Immigrant Songs
Peter Cook
Helping you balance the head, heart and soul of your enterprise for sustainable business in a better world. Keynote Speaker ? Consultant ? Mentor ? Scientist ? Musician ? Author @ Virgin, Bloomsbury, Routledge, Gower.
The Bibby Stockholm floating prison is a grim reminder to us all that people can be gaslit by fear of others and racism is never far from the surface of public life. Every country in the world has at one time dabbled with various forms of ‘othering’, but Brexit has weaponised English racism. From the moment that Nigel Farage adopted a Nazi inspired poster to stir up latent racism, he then won the Brexit referendum by the narrowest of margins. Research from UK in a Changing Europe demonstrates that the austerity programme from 2010 – 2016 produced a 12% swing towards the 51.9 : 48.1 result, as people looked for other people to blame for their concerns. Foreigners were an easy target and Nigel Farage et al. were suitable poster boys for the amplification process.
Suella Braverman et al are trying to persuade us that all migrants coming to Britain are ‘illegal’ and ‘criminals’. This is simply not true. Approximately 90% of people coming to Britain are legal refugees. At the heart of the immigration problem is a broken Home Office system
I wrote this piece of music and made a film to explain the immigration problem and a way forward. Advance warning: the film uses an extract from the satirical journalist Johnathan Pie. PG rated as a consequence.?
Immigration works both ways
Many Brexit voters are surprised to learn that Brexit has exacerbated the numbers of people seeking refuge in Britain when they were told that we would ‘take back control’ of our borders. After Brexit, Britain is a 3rd country. So, France has no compulsion to stop refugees travelling to Britain if even if they wished to do so under international law. This has been weaponised by the Conservatives who are threatening to leave the European Court for Human Rights as an election promise. Of course, this is an empty threat or what I call a dead cat. It would be illegal, as it would break the Good Friday Agreement. It would also be hugely impractical as the ECHR is entwined with the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Just like Brexit, this would be akin to trying to take the eggs out of an omelette.?
Restoring truth and fairness
Gina Miller is a champion of human rights and wrongs, having single-handedly stood up to our government in the Supreme Court on the question of national sovereignty.
Gina’s True and Fair party aims to fix our broken politics. Her policies on immigration and asylum are of particular relevance for people wishing to live and work in Britain and those fleeing from terror:
1.???? Amnesty for people that have been in the UK for 10 years + and are contributing to the economy.
2.???? Pursue needs-based immigration
3.???? Major recruitment drive
4.???? Make safe and legal routes available (to reduce exploitation, abuse, loss of life and to reduce smuggling and trafficking).
5.???? Establish a new Dubs Scheme to resettle unaccompanied child refugees.
6.???? Roll out the system of independent guardians in England and Wales to represent, support and safeguard
Please connect with The True and Fair Party on Linkedin and support Gina's campaign to defeat the Tories in Mid-Bedfordshire.
Citizens of Nowhere
In 2018, 539 refugees and migrants ‘tried to reach Britain on small boats’. Many, however, were intercepted and returned to France per our return agreement with the EU. By comparison, in 2022, 45,755 refugees and migrants arrived in Britain with no right to return, claiming refugee status UN1952, which requires physical landing. 27 EU nations now only have to offer safe passage to a chosen destination and are no longer responsible for our borders, some 8,600 miles. This is the reality of Brexit in terms of ‘taking back control’.
The ‘othering’ done to people fleeing from terror is not just restricted to asylum seekers. Since Brexit, we have made the UK such an unattractive place for EU citizens to live and work that migration from EU Countries to Britain has dramatically reduced from approximately 200 000 in 2016 to negative net migration in 2022. To the surprise and outrage of Brexit lovers living in Europe, their freedoms have also been reduced. Many seemed to think that freedom of movement would only apply in one direction. This is one of the hallmarks of English exceptionalism that characterised the Brexit illusion. Elena Remigi, editor of the book ‘In Limbo’, sums up the feeling of being a Citizen of Nowhere:
Five principles
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1 年A democracy can be measured by how it treats immigrants and minorities. The UK fails everyone.