Immigrant Experience of Working Under the Shadows US Economy in Technical Support

?note: Dedication to:

Filmily and friends




In memory of my love ones who passed away and influenced by life.

Mother: Francisca

Mother Grandmother: Maria Reyes

Father figure: Julio

Uncle: Enrique


David Nordee, English Teacher graduated from USC worked at Huntington Park High School

Don R. Tyrrell Business Counselor graduated from USC worked at Cypress College

Thank you: Alan Diamante US Immigration and Family Law Lawyer

I am going to narrate my experience as immigrant working in technical field and under the shadows of US Economy in the past [twenty six years]. I am not a victim and can overcome. I was able to earn a living by working in the technical field & labor when I was undocumented for some period of my life. Is important to mention I became legal United States Resident in 2019 under Family Petition Classification Petition by my step-father US Citizen and End of Widow Penalty Immigration: United States Department of Homeland Security. My father-figure made the petition to US Immigration to make me a US Citizen and paid all the fees to US Immigration. My father figure filled for US legal status form my younger brother and sister. My older sister and younger brother made the decision to live in Guadalajara, Mexico. My father-figure worked since his 12 years old until his 70. My father-figure also was a worker and entrepreneur. My father-figure lost his fortune because his first wife Ana got sick from cancer and passed away from it. My father-figure sold his business and property to pay medical bills for his first wife. My mother meet my father-figure and his first wife when I was a child. My mother was a single mother. Ana the first wife of my father-figure told to Julio my step dad and father-figure to take care my mother and marry her my mother. I learned about having a learning disability around Fall 1996 when I stared attending Cypress College. I was diagnostic with dyslexia and it affects my writing, spelling, and math. I do have experience where individuals in management position abuse their tile and use my relative difficulty in the following areas dyslexia and English being my second language:

-ability to differentiate essential from non essential parts

-concentration on visual perceived materials

-visual memory

-visual organization

-auditory sequencing

-anxiety affecting concentration and attention

About me:

I am a believer in Jesus Christ

I belie in Nature Law, Law of the Land and is important to have a US Constitution.

I am a man and like women.

During the dark times of life I had opportunity to meet loving women who taught me about family.

But the relationships from that time it was not mean to be. It was a learning experience.

I am grateful to the individual support from persons, business owners who provide me work opportunities and Alan Diamante, US Immigration and Family Lawyer. I lived a life in the shadows from 2004 to 2018 because my step-father from Puerto Rico a US Citizen was not able to attend to my US Immigration Appointment (US Immigration to review application information and make decision to continue with process to get US Resident with path to US Citizen) 1994 because he passed away from Lung Cancer. In the year 1994 US Immigration Department ignored the legal paper work my father figure Julio Torres did following the Mexican Law to recognize me as legitimate son first in Mexico then US. My mother passed away from cancer medical treatment in 1999 and due to being sick with cancer could not become a US Citizen. My mother was a legal resident with Legal Permit to Work in the US. My mother was a secretary from a secondary school who worked in the California during her vacations from the educational system from from Guadalajara.

I came to California following my family unit and US Immigration Law from 1992. My Boricua Step-Father US Citizen married my mother from Mexico. He could not attend US Immigration Appointment and US Immigration officer ignored the last will of a US Citizen. I was a minor during my high school My heart was broken because the academic counselor assigned to provide me with academic plan at Huntington Park High School from Los Angeles School District discriminated me. I was discriminated by not providing me with academic preparation to attend university educational system for University of California or State University therefore neither to get into a trade. During my high school years I earn income working part time in the company where my father-figure Juilo worked. J.T. was a machine operator and made mattress in Spring Mattress who was located in Santa Fe Springs. J.T. taught me to work in the US American way. Going back in to my writing narration during my last year of my attendance to Huntington Park High School. The academic counselor did not allow me to go the traditional event “Grand Night” taking place in Anaheim Wall Disney for not wearing Dokers men dress pants. I was wearing brand new black Levis jeans. The HP HS Academic Counselor did not let me walk in the Class Graduation Ceremony for the class I attend from 1992-1996 for not passing the English Composition and Math exam; I had meet all my academic requirements and other teachers who know me ask her to allow me to be part of the Class 1996 Class Ceremony (exceptions where made in other schools from LAUSD due to special circumstances). With due respect I do remember how in one occasion my academic counselor from HP HS made the comment to one of her co-workers that I will not accomplish nothing in my life because I was a wetback. The HP HS Academic Counselor dud bit realized I understood wash the said to her coworker. I communicated with the HP HS Principal but I was ignored because the HP HS Academic Counselor was a female and she was marry to former Huntington Park Mayor of the City who was teaching at HP HS. My father-figure could not fight because he was debilitated by cancer. Julio my father figure made the decision to not have cancer medical treatment. On the other hand my mother chose to have medical treatment for cancer. I experience my mother the removal of her female reproductive organs due to ovarian cancer. In my shoulders the I have heavy way of the decision of disconnecting my mother from artificial life in 1999. I followed one the request of my mother. Her will was no not live in artificial life. Is important to mention during 1994-1999 I did not meet the requirements for H-1B Visa. The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant work visa that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers with specialized skills to work in the United States for a specific period of time. Typically, the roles require a bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Occupations that qualify for the H-1B visa are typically in fields such as technology, finance, engineering, architecture, or more.

Before 2009 US Immigration Law note: “The “widow penalty”, whereby spouses of U.S. citizens and their children faced automatic denial of a visa petition if the death of the spouse occurred prior to adjudication and prior to two years of marriage, effectively ended upon the passage of § 568(c).2 That section removes the two-year marriage requirement from the current law that permits widows and widowers (“widow(er)s”) of U.S. citizens to file a self-petition for themselves and their children.”

I am one of the first persons who benefit as civilian from the group class action law suite done by widows who lost their love ones in the US Military Services. Addressing the Widow’s Penalty in Court’ (Widows from US Military Members who lost their life in service) group called the Surviving Spouses Against Deportation was formed in the US advocating for the rights of the widow to obtain legal status in the US and to stop the widow penalty. Several cases were filed against the US Department of Homeland Security in US courts note from year 2009.

2009 Barack Obama, US President abolish US Immigration Widow Penalty.

Under U.S. law, a foreign-born spouse of a U.S. citizen is eligible for permanent residency, but must complete a two-year conditional residency period first.?In cases where the U.S. citizen spouse died during the conditional residency status, the application for permanent residency was effectively revoked leaving the foreign spouses without legal immigration status and vulnerable to deportation. DHS’s decision also protects children of widowed immigrants from deportation for a two-year period.

The support from individuals help me with my education such as English as Second Language Teachers, and other general education teachers. I got academic support by my English Teacher David Nordee who graduated from USC with Film Making Masters from USC. Ruben Aburto History and Coach from Huntington Park also help me to. My Math Teacher Mr. Neal help me to pass the Math exam to get my High School Diploma. David Nordee help me to pass the writing high school exam to pass English Composition. I optain my LAUSD High School Diploma in 1997 and other request were made to HP HS Academic Counselor to allow me to be part of the Class 1997 and she refused. David N. help me to enroll in Cypress College and introduce me to his brother Thom Nordee, Academic Counselor at Cypress College. David encouraged me to continue my education at Cypress College and to play flag football with his brother who was a former quarterback for RAMS. Thom Nordee introduce me to Robert B. and Don R. Tyrell Business Counselor from Cypress College. Around 2000 following the support from David, Thom, Don R. I attended Fullerton College and got opportunity to be coached by Gene Murphy former Head Coach from Fullerton College and Coach Jeff Jespersen.

During current time XXI Century:

Is important to mention Technical support recruiters and persons assisting me with resume and applications have told me my education and professional experience should not be included in 2023 when searching for job opportunities. I being told to apply for volunteer position, apprenticeship and entry level position. In my personal opinion 2013 the resume is obsolete because we need to fill out electronic forms, provide information about at least of 3 last employees with name, phone number, email and work address. I am 43 years old with working experience of 23 years. I have experience doing labor and technical support jobs to support my self. Some of the supervisors and teachers who provide me support in getting jobs have all ready retired or passed away. Is also important to mention I do have some negative experience from some organizations I worked and I would like to keep the reasons I would not like to have an organization with a job opportunity to reach out the them. I just want to keep it personal and do not mention them. The big question is to what type of resume to use the traditional resume or do a personalized job resume taking in consideration writing strands, no pictures and no graphics. In my experience I did took the opportunity to use a resume written by a friend to apply to a job. The resume written by a native English Speaker help me to get job opportunity. I was able to get a job interview but was not able to pass the hiring writing exam from the organization providing a job opportunity. Writing about work experience from 1992 to present is extensive and I do take in consideration I have to focus in the job requirements and position.

Review of back ground: I became legal United States Resident in 2019 under Family Petition Classification petition by my step-father and End of Widow Penalty. I lived a life in the shadows from 2004 to 2018 because my step-father from Puerto Rico a US Citizen was not able to attend to my US Immigration Appointment (US Immigration to review application information and make decision to continue with process to get US Resident with path to US Citizen) 1994 because he passed away from Lung Cancer.

Going back into writing my narration: Immigrant Experience of Working Under the Shadows US Economy. Former individuals from organizations where I worked used my learning disability to tray to prove that I do not have the mental capacity and emotions to do job assignments and duties. Some individuals take it personal and tray to prove that I should not get an opportunity of employment because I just got my US Residency in 2019 and make rumors that my documentation if fake. Simple search in E-Verified and running a background proves the validity in my Legal US Residency in path to become a US Citizen after 2025 by doing the proper paper work at United States Home Land Security. I was able to earn income to support by self by working in different labor jobs and temporal job assignments. I worked providing technical support and continue my higher education at Cypress College. I focus in technical support for development of services with focus to outreach Spanish speakers. I got entry level position into local California business for having bilingual Spanish/English with strong understanding of technology. I was able to get the jobs opportunity for taking Computer Science Classes, continue with my general education, also academic remedial classes, Spanish at Cypress College. Is important to mention the individuals who help me with jobs in the past knew I was going to be able to become legal residence. The individuals understand my life experience as immigrant. The individuals provide me with job opportunities to earn income to continue my education and meet requirement for H-1B US Immigration Visa. Year 204 Electronic Verification for Employment in United States Started and is the reason why I had only temporal jobs from 2004 up to when obtained my US Work Permit. Is important to mention I signed nondisclosure agreements on the technology US companies where I got opportunity to work in California.

I was able to get temporal jog segment at SpeechPhone who was located in Lake Forrest, Fiberoptic LLC the company began the name SoipTel, AirCable Network now Fiberoptic providing Liquid Cool Solution hardware specialize data center equipment.

I was able to get the job opportunities due to my continuation in my higher education from 1997 to 2005. The individual manager, owner or CEO took in consideration my education in Cypress College and English/Spanish skills. Technical support experience working under the tile (teacher assistant) at Los Angeles Unified School District. Liberian Assistant and Grounds Keeper at North Orange County Community College. It was mention to me by having experience as ground worker “gardener” it show I was not afraid of hard, proof I can work with hands, follow safety procedures at work.

My life time period from 1996 to 2004

Teacher Assistant experience working at Los Angeles Unified School District

I worked in the following schools: Miles Elementary, Huntington Park-Bell High School and Bell High School.

Miles Elementary

Helped teacher with technology implementation printers, Microsoft OS: NT,95, 98 and MAC OS

WaterFord Educational software, provided academic support in English and Spanish.

Huntington Park-Bell Adult School

Participated with Western Association of Schools and College accreditation for HP-B CAS

Took pictures with 35 min film camara and video record events

Helped with office duties and support to students, staff and teachers.

Assisted in several educational programs:

English as Second Language classes in adult school campus.

Adult learner California Basic Education Skills Test

Implemented and assisted with ELLIS, Side by Side educational software

Set up and configuration of Windows 2000 server to run ELLIS, Side by Side, and Plato

High School Diploma for Adults program

Continuation School for High School Students

General Education Diploma preparation

US Citizen Requirements and Classes US History & Government

Programmed computers, helped upgrading several computer laboratories a the local and satellites branches.

Assisted providing support with computer literacy and computer repairs of network and computers at the branch from the LAUSD located at Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center.

Bell High School: Program Digital High School

Supervised and gave maintenance/trouble shoot the local/wide area network (hardware/software).

Assisted with network security and monitored the teleological resources of the campus.

Trained students and staff in how to use information systems.

Provided support with Accelerated Reader LAUSD Library Educational Software( accounts,data base, and related activities) .

Helped with migration of network fiver line connection from USC Metropolitan Area Network to LAUSD MAN.

Programmed serves and nodes.

Worked with PC systems Windows NT, 95, 98, 2000, ME and XP.

Worked with Macintosh OS: OS 9, OS X, Jaguar and Panter

The Bell High School WAN consisted of 25 servers. BH WAN consisted of the following operating systems Windows 95/98/XP/ME/2000, MAC OS 9 and MAC X with Unix/Linux Variants. Personal set up servers OS X and Windows 2000. The highly complex campus network had about 1,200 client computers and about 25 servers. Providing services to 4, 800 student and staff.

Assisted with First Robotic Competition program: Robotics Club at Bell High School from 2004 and 2005

Gateway Cities Partnership, Inc

In collaboration with Paramount Unified School District and Paramount City

Teaching Internship at Spane Park Community Resource Center teaching Computer Literacy, Introduction to Computer Skills and the internet. Created Student Appropriate Use of Technology Policy for the learning center. Provided computer literacy, academic support using the educational software PLATO, and taught how to use Windows XP and Office 2003 programs to K-12 students from Paramount School District. Taught adults computer literacy class (native speakers also English speakers. Conducted training using Windows 2003 Server, PC with XP OS and Microsoft 2003 in wireless local network.

Technology learning period from 1997 to 2004

Cypress Community College

CIS 101 Keyboard [3 units]

CIS 108 Introduction to the Internet [3 units]

Network Operating Systems learned: Novel Netware 4.11 and 5.1 and Windows 2000 Server

CIS 108 Introduction to Internet [2 units]

CIS 180 Data Communications and Network Administrator [2 units]

CIS 181 Network Software Administration and Installation [2 units]

CIS 185 Microsoft 2000 Server [2 units]

Academic and personal skills

PE 235 First Aid/CPR/ Respond to Emergencies

Spanish 201,

Spanish 203

Spanish 204

170 Job Skills Communication/Hospitality and Travel

29ABC Journalism Communication Public Speech

I was award “Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior College” 2000-2001

President and Organizer of Cypress College Charger Football Club

Cypress College Extracellular Activities

Participation and attendance to North Orange County Community College District Board

Hiring Committees for School President and Teachers

Multicultural Understanding

Student Association

Technology job opportunities for my time working under the shadows 2004 to 2018

SpeechPhone LLC

I was able to get a temporal job opportunity due to computer science classes I took time to take at Cypress Community College. The right hand of the CEO from the company Martin Mendez provide me with the opportunity. With the focus to provide Spanish support to the company clients and assist with installation of VOIP hardware from GrandStream. I worked doing configuration of SOIP into VOIP hardware. I was introduced to Artificial Intelligence set up with code from AT&T. SpeechPhone was running AI with speech command over internet protocol.

Spanish outreach marketing for Bluetooth technology with virtual assistant property from SpeechPhone.?Equipment configuration for Speech Command over VOIP.?Technical support English/Spanish for customers.? Meet Gerry Stevens from SoipTel.

Fiberoptic LLC

With the changes in size of electronic components I have witness the change in communication applications for signals using: radio, microwave, laser, and power source for data ceners.

When I meet Gerry Stevens he corporate project was SopTel. Working at SopTel I was introduced to Girvan Institute of Technology

GIT was a Technology Incubator who raised about $1B from it own venture capitalist network for technology development entrepreneurs in the area of space, computerization, telecommunication, and environmental technologies as well as support of projects with companies such as Aerospace, Rytheon, Boing, Xeros, and SpaceX.

My experience at AirCable Network Corporation:

Technical consultant Spanish translation from English, project management team member assisted with Internet-based projects to include computer networking. English/Spanish technically supporting integration into data, cloud, net-generation wireless systems for internet-of-everything infrastructure systems.

In house Certification Training from IKANO COMMUNICATIONS:

Installer for phone lines and DSL from provider drop of copper to entry point to residency or business.

DSL Sales, management for Spanish customers, installation of DSL modem and set up of local network; with connection of VOIP hardware from GarndStream.

IKANO Back OFFICE Portal for provisioning of DSL service

KANO offers high-speed broadband Internet access, email, and related communication services to consumers, wholesale partners, and businesses nationwide. The Company's flagship Broadband Access brand is DSL Extreme - the largest private DSL provider in California.

Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Los Angeles, DSL Extreme's world-class operations and customer service team support nearly 100,000 end user clients and hundreds of wholesale partners across the country. DSL Extreme's North American network footprint is provided under favorable contracts with large carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, and Bell Canada. DSL Extreme also partners with Google to offer Google Apps email and productivity applications to customers and other service providers. Recently, DSL Extreme expanded its broadband offerings by launching Fusion Broadband+Voice, in partnership with Sonic Telecom.

Fiberoptic LLC

In house Certification Training from SkySwitch. SkySwitch is an Internet-Private Branch Exchange Plataform.

Contact Center

SkySwitch's robust Contact Center solution expands on basic call center functionality to deliver advanced capabilities and integrates directly into the SkySwitch UCaaS reseller platform with a single billing and no setup fees for partners. Meet the rising demand for contact center capabilities that small to medium-sized companies are demanding. Our solution combines SMS, text-to-speech, chat, chatbots, social integration, and real-time call data to make better business decisions. It allows you to deliver a high-quality inbound and outbound communications experience for your customers and employees.

Voice API

Our Voice APIs allow you to access the underlying systems that power the PBX and Telco portals to easily extend the solution and meet the specific requirements that may not be built into the solution. SkySwitch APIs are built to allow you to do anything that can be done in the PBX and Telco portals pro grammatically within your own application.

You can use the APIs to:

Subscribe to real-time call data to build your own dashboards or alert on potentially interesting call flows.

Add provisioning functionality to your own internal systems to streamline onboarding workflows.

Manage DID inventory and E911 locations.

Integrate click-to-call into your own applications

Business SMS

Business SMS is the future of marketing and customer service, allowing your clients to reach their audience more effectively and reliably. The SkySwitch white-label ecosystem enables you to sell Business SMS texting and Business MMS with the same backend infrastructure that supports our advanced business platform.

Video Collaboration

Your customers need reliable, secure video conferencing, and with SkySwitch you can offer them a seamless user experience with your branded solution. We built our white-label video conferencing solution with five real-time collaboration applications in a single desktop app that can be managed from the cloud: web conferencing, audio conferencing, video conferencing, remote access and webinars.


Deliver consistent VoIP policies that can be dynamically applied to help with WAN failover, secure VoIP transactions and bandwidth shaping via our SD-WAN add-on feature. Our solution uses a converged thin-edge device with integrated cellular backup for ease of use and reliable backup connectivity. This all-in-one solution enables you to manage, monitor and troubleshoot your customers' networks all within a single pane of glass.

Call Center

SkySwitch enables any Reseller to offer carrier-class call center services to small to medium-sized businesses. Like all of the platforms in the SkySwitch ecosystem, our solution has been developed to deliver the highest quality experiences to users without the need for significant investment.

Fax Solutions

The SkySwitch Virtual Fax solution allows resellers to replace customers' analog fax machines with confidence. We also support legacy fax machines by recommending an ATA that uses the store-and-forward technology for high reliability faxing services. We offer multiple options for sending and receiving that makes it easy to use and easy to sell.

Introduced to the uplink multimedia platform for video content purchased by Verizon.

Developer experience setting up Ubuntu Server to configure to run with Verizon uplink

Verizon Media Platform for Video Streaming, CDN and Cloud: Edgio



LiquidCool Solutions:

Fiberoptiq is enabled with LSST’s patented technology Manufactured by LiquidCool Solutions of Rochester, MN.

The LSST employs liquid submersion cooling, in which all electronic components are immersed in coolant within a liquid-tight chassis.

The coolant, a dielectric liquid, is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, inexpensive and never needs to be replaced.

Unlike water the LSST coolant does not conduct electricity, meaning it is safe to use with virtually any electronic component.

LSST offers liquid cooled server solutions across a wide range of use cases. Have a look at our?case studies?to see?how liquid cooling can revolutionize your IT estate.

LiquidCool Submerged Server Technology (LSST) is the next-generation advancement of the most efficient and the most cost effective server system operation

This disruptive technology?has many benefits over traditional air cooling systems for?edge/fog computing?and?data centers:


Submerged Server

  • No CRAC systems required
  • End of Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) systems.
  • Total liquid submersion technology does not require CRAC systems or chillers.
  • The heat is captured by a liquid, then carried outside or recycled to heat the building.
  • Freedom from fans
  • 100% fanless operation.
  • Liquid submerged systems patented technology requires no blades or rack fans.
  • Freeing up floor space and eliminating a common point of failure in many data centers.
  • The LSST systems edge
  • Cloud at your fingertip.
  • The ultimate edge and fog server systems that is easy to transport and can be setup in any environment.
  • LSST cooling technology enables a wide-range of new edge and fog applications.
  • Our green guarantee
  • LSST cuts cost of power-to-cool by 98% over air-cooled systems.
  • A savings of 40% on total energy cost.
  • Our guarantee is that the our systems outperform any other solution on the market.

Let’s take a look at some of the?frequently asked questions?regarding the LSST system.

My experience in technology consulting, technical support, and education makes me a strong candidate for a variety of technology-focused positions in the Los Angeles/Orange County area.


Some potential job options include:

1.????Technical Support Specialist: experience troubleshooting and providing technical support for various computer systems and operating systems, assist with work as a technical support specialist for a company in the area.?

This could involve troubleshooting software and hardware issues, setting up new systems, and training users on new technology.

2.????IT Consultant: personal experience providing technology consulting services and setting up equipment and configurations are valuable for a company looking for an IT consultant.?

Provide services with businesses owners and organizations to help them improve their technology infrastructure, streamline processes, and ensure security.

3.????Field Service Technician: Professional experience in computer information legacy systems and knowing A+ certification concepts, can provide work as a field service technician for a company in the area.?

This could involve traveling to clients' locations to install, maintain, and repair hardware and software systems.

4.????Non-profit Technology Coordinator: professional experience working with non-profit organizations and developing technology resources for community projects, can work as a technology coordinator for a non-profit in the area.?

This could involve managing the organization's technology infrastructure, training staff and volunteers, and developing new technology initiatives.

5.????Education Technology Specialist: professional experience providing technical assistance to K-12 students and setting up educational software and hardware,?could work as an education technology specialist for a school district in the area.?

This could involve managing the district's technology infrastructure, training teachers and staff, and ensuring that technology is integrated into the classroom effectively.


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