IMMERSIVE – To surround the audience so that they feel completely involved in something:
As the world of advertising and consumer engagement changes, brands need to almost run to keep up! It is no longer acceptable to print a few flyers and slap an advert in the local paper. Consumers are demanding an experience to remember when they look at a new or altered product or experience.
So.. How can you get the best for your client?
Developing a brief that sets clear expectations is key, What are you hoping to achieve from your activation? Who is your target audience? What does success look like? How will you manage success and activity? What instructions do end users need for social media sharing?
Is your creative idea workable? What size space do you have? What permissions are needed from local authority and or building owners? Have you considered logistics and build in terms of space and access? How many people need to be involved to complete the activation?
Ensuring your activation is a success takes a lot of knowledge and skills and a sprinkling of lady luck!. Understanding the fundamental needs such as how to use social media to your advantage to spread the word , how to project manage what happens in what order. How to set a realistic budget – how much will each element cost? What parts will have the best return in investment.
When and where should you hold your activation, understanding your audience demographic is key to this – activation for a student audience needs to be accessible to students…Close to their college, bars they frequent, coffee shops they like or student unions. No point targeting them in a prime high end location if that’s not where they go! Or when they have all broken for mid-term breaks and popped home!
And last but certainly not least you need great partnerships with industry professionals who specialize in all of the areas where you need support
Harrisons Creative support creative agencies to deliver event production, bespoke build, creative services, custom design and branding solutions for their clients.