Immediate Changes to Interview Waiver (Dropbox) Visa Stamping Eligibility in India
Effective immediately, updates have been made, narrowing the eligibility criteria for Interview Waiver (Dropbox) visa stamping protocols in India.
We have reprinted the criteria below, emphasizing the changes: the changes:
Eligibility criteria for all applicants, except children under 14 years of age and applicants 80 years of age or older:
·???????? I am a citizen of India/Bhutan or a lawful resident of India/Bhutan.
·???????? I have a previous U.S. visa in the?same?class (has been ANY class, except B-1/B-2) as the visa for which I wish to apply and my prior visa in the same visa class is still valid or expired within the last 12 months (has been 48 months).
·???????? My most recent visa was issued on or after my 14th birthday.
·???????? My most recent visa was not lost, stolen, cancelled, revoked, or marked CWOP.
·???????? I have no refusals for a visa in any class after my most recent visa issuance.
·???????? If I am applying for J visa, my current DS-2019 issued for any of the following exchange visitor programs - Professor/Research Scholar/Short-Term Scholar/Secondary School Student/ Teacher.
·???????? If I am applying for a J visa, my current DS-2019 is issued by the same institution as the institution listed on my previous visa.
·???????? Blanket L1 visa applicants do not qualify for the Interview Waiver, but Blanket L2 spouses are eligible.
·???????? Nationals of the Republic of China and Nigeria not eligible for F, M and Academic J interview waiver criteria.
While the Secretary of State (in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security) determines the general categories of visas eligible for interview waivers, consular officers have discretion in deciding how broadly or narrowly to apply the waivers.
This is a good reminder the visa policies and consular conditions can change with little notice. ?Visa applicants should advise their immigration counsel of any travel plans and should regularly?check their embassy and consulate websites for more detailed information about specific visa application requirements and procedures.
For this and other business immigration updates, check out our website,
The reason for this change has become apparent: over the holiday, the Department of State (DOS) announced an updated, more restrictive visa interview waiver policy, which supersedes the previous broader policy. Under the new policy, with few exceptions, interview waivers are only available to applicants renewing a visa in the same category, and even then, only if their prior visa expired within the last 12 months. As a result, additional consulates, such as Brazil, France and Australia, are updating their websites to align with the new policy. See: