Imaging with 16ch hand/wrist coil @ Siemens 3T Skyra
This is a 16ch hand/wrist coil which suits perfectly for a busy day with many different exams. Possibilities to choose a large Field of View (FOV) for whole hand coverage, or smaller FOV for wrist, finger etc. Homogenous fat suppression, parallel imaging GRAPPA opportunities in all direction. This coil has 16 integrated preamplifiers, and dual density signal transfer which enables ultra high density coil designs by integrating key RF components info the local coil. Usage of this coil do not demand removable of spine coil which makes it more efficient and times savings between different exams. Either position the coil on a stand to ensure a comfortable position for the patients, with the options to slide the coil R-L and H-F for proper positioning. Or the stand can be removed, and coil directly position on the table where patients lie in a “super man position”.
Case 1. tumour wrist - showing a few images.
All images are 3mm. 2D GRE (flash) depict Triangular Fibrocartilage (TFCC) nicely.
Highly optimized t1w vibe with water excitation 0.5mm isotropic. MPR on sagittal and transversal plane. Resolve DWI performed with multiple b values and an ADC map (4mm).
Case 2. tumour hand - showing a few images.
All images are 2.5mm. Post contrast sequences are done with FatSat.
Twist with temporal resolution of 3s (shows here multiple frames). Resolve DWI with multiple b values and an ADC map (4mm)
Case 3. Whole hand with large FOV - showing a few images.
Highly optimized sequences, 2mm upper row. Lower row, 1 scan with a t1w vibe dixon 0.4mm isotropic and MPR possibilities. Take a closer look at the post contrast sequence which was done with FatSat. Even though using a large FOV, it is so homogenous fat suppression throughout the FOV.