Imagine Your Future
Dawn Springett
Catalysing Fearless Change | Transforming Chaos to Clarity | Integrating Global Perspectives | Grounded in Real-World Experience | Making Change Manageable Again
I want to take you on a journey!?
Or rather, I would like to send you off on a journey, along which you visualize your deepest needs and imagine yourself reaching your desired goal. By visualizing, you are effectively programming your subconscious mind to work towards making it a reality.
I've been experimenting with audio and video to create this visual visualization.
Are you ready to give it a go??
Then let’s begin…
Start by sitting down in a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. In through your nose, pause, then out through your mouth. Do this again, and again, and again, until you feel relaxed and calm.?
From your neck to your shoulders, down the spine of your back, to the depths of your belly, and down to your feet. Everything is relaxed and calm, and still.
Now imagine yourself standing at the beginning of a winding road. Where is this road? Are you walking along a beach? Are you about to enter a forest? Do you have a hill to climb or a dry plain you have to walk across??
Look again. Reflect on it. Because this road represents the path to where you want to go. It represents the goal you intend to achieve.?
In your mind, see yourself start walking. As you begin, pay attention to what the road feels like. Notice how your feet touch the surface. Feel the roughness and the smoothness, the ups and downs. Do you feel how your breath changes as you walk??
That’s good.
Now take in your surroundings and notice how they change as you walk. What is the weather like? Are you enjoying the sunshine as it warms your skin, enduring the cold and rain soaking through to your bones? Regardless of the weather, you continue to walk, with quiet resilience, determined to reach your destination.
Know that your legs will continue to carry you, trust that your mind will discover the right way, recognize that your heart will encourage you and give you hope. Notice the landscapes changing as you walk, smell the fresh air, and feel the wind on your face.
Keep walking through the darkness and the fear. Leap across the waters and swim through the waves. Along the way, you meet other fellow travellers. Some will be supportive and offer words of encouragement, others will try to lead you astray, but you? You stay true to your goal, moving ever forward, ever onward.?
You are present, you are purposeful, you are carried by your dreams, your aspirations, your truth.
Now, as you get closer to your destination, you can see your goal within touching distance. It's clearer, more real and more attainable. You can see yourself reaching the end of the road and achieving your goal, feeling proud and accomplished.?
Where are you standing?
How are you feeling?
Who are you with?
Take a deep breath in and gently exhale. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, knowing that you still carry that gift of imagination, energy, opportunity and possibility within you.
Dear friend, be well.