Imagine your best business self
Vivienne Joy - NLP Coach Trainer Mentor
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I want you to do a bit of imagining. I want you to imagine that you have a massively successful business, whatever that means to you. Like all the clients that you want, all the income you want…a nice dream. You’re busy thinking about all the other crap, so you might as well think about this for a little while. It’s beautiful, it’s flowing, they thank you, you get results. If you don’t want this, think about what you do want, but who doesn’t want that??
You get lots of testimonials, they’re posting about you all over social media saying how frickin amazing you are, that you’ve changed their lives with whatever you sell or serve, and you can just do what you like with your time. I just want you to imagine that now – imagine that version of you.?
I call it your best business self
You can call her something else. Somebody who sits in my She-Thrives programme calls it her black belt business version because she does martial arts. I really love that. Like she’s on top of the game. That is the beauty space. This is in flow. This is the absolute made it – I’ve made it and I’m in this amazing space.?
Can you all imagine that version of you? Some will be able to do it more easily than others. Some don’t like to go too far in advance. Just imagine how you look, how you sound, who you are, how you treat people around you – that successful version of yourself. By the way, do that as often as you can in the world, because your brain and the Universe hear it and see it. So the more often you can play this game, the better it is for you!