We are of one race the human race and all are citizens of earth.
Richard M Knittle Jr.
Imagine a world one with no hate
that has no prejudice that decides
your fate where white Is just the winter
and falling as snow and black Is the
night against the stars in the sky
And a full moons glow
Imagine that the only colors that are
now taught are those of rainbows and
of colored crayons In their box
Imagine a world that has only
one race where everyone is equal and it’s
not case by case Where we all live
in peace and war has now ceased
no boundaries or lines just wide open space
Imagine a world where everyone eats
there is no hunger or poverty and everyone
gets to speak Where we all care for each
other in our hearts, minds, and souls
where love is shown wherever you may go
Imagine a world where we all can live
to choose are religion and faith with no crime
to fight and know we are still safe
Imagine it all started with the dream
of one man a poet, a father, a stranger,
a friend who imagined a world full
of peace And all hate was to end
Imagine, Imagine, and then Imagine again.
Richard M Knittle Jr.
Copyright 2015