I- Irreplaceable
M- Magical
A- Accomplished
G- Gallant
I- Incontrovertible
N- Noble
E- Empathetic
As I meditate each day to clear my mind, I often have a personal retreat.
At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face.
At present I know partially; then I shall know fully as I am fully known.
So, faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
There are times when my daily actions can seem meaningless. And yet when I get past my pity-party, I know that they aren’t. I do these things out of love, with faith that they matter, in the hope that they will make another person feel seen and valued. That’s what most relationships are all about: doing small things with great love, as Mother Theresa once said. And that love, I’m learning, is its own reward. I know that in time we all will care about the homeless and what we can do- each of us – imagine... if we just helped one homeless person, each of us. Now imagine no homeless at all. Imagine telling our children and grandchildren we fixed this problem. Imagine. So be a soul of Love in the world instead of a soul of hate. You will find your day, week, month and year to be irreplaceable, magical, accomplished, gallant, incontrovertible and noble.