Imagine Painting a Picture with Just One Color – The Importance of Diversity
Imagine Painting a Picture with Just One Color

Imagine Painting a Picture with Just One Color – The Importance of Diversity

Imagine a world that only had one color to paint with.? That would be weird.? Now imagine all the works of art that you have seen, the different color clothing in your closet or even the color of your favorite foods all being one color with no variation of color or shade, just one color.? This would be a definition of the “Lack of Diversity”.

Imagine a world where everyone around you shared those same viewpoints and ideas.? How could we ever invent or imagine anything different than what we are already taught to understand that this is the only way that things should be.? Then add, if you were found to have a difference of opinion or thought process you were labeled and considered less desirable and placed out of reach of those that your thoughts and opinions might influence. Yes, this would be a definition of the “Lack of Diversity”.

Diversity is the watercolor tray of colors that we have in our lives in everything that we do.? Diversity is the reason why we enjoy Thai Food, Blue Jeans and Motown Music.? These diverse things were introduced to us and we found that we enjoyed and appreciated them for the differences it brought into our lives, we have learned to appreciate the introduction to new and different things. That is Diversity.

The importance of Diversity in all that we do is the quintessential color, flavor, and texture of life and all that life encompasses.? Being able to celebrate and understand the diverse ways of doing things, celebrating, and understanding different people and their ideas is what makes us great together in any arena or area of life and business. Being able to agree and disagree on a viewpoint, a way of life or even our choice of food is what helps us to be able to see the viewpoints of others and if we allow ourselves to, even learn a unique way of being.

Yet, if we remain in our bubbles, caves or even on our own island of life and thought, we will remain the same in all that we do. We will not grow; we will remain stagnate.? We are destined to continue to do the same things over and over again and wonder why we are not achieving a different outcome.? Imagine your food with no introduction of spices to it. How enjoyable is that? Eating at this point becomes a mere exercise that you must do and not an experience that you look forward to.

Diversity is indeed a needed spice, color and flavor that is essential for us to grow in all faucets of our lives. If we remain where we are and do not allow the infusion of innovative ideas and thoughts into our worlds, we are then neglecting ourselves from achieving greater things, together.

Diversity is what is needed, Diversity is the choice we make to make everything we do better.


Vernon E. Davis, II

2 February 2023


