Imagine how much more peaceful our lives would be if we just minded our own business. Imagine if we all used our energy to make positive changes to our own life rather than prescribe changes we think others should make to their lives. Letting other people, including family members, be who they are will free a big stream of energy so we can make positive changes in our own life. What if we stopped worrying about the speck of sawdust in our brother’s eye and started doing something about the log in our own eye that blinds us to our own imperfections and self-defeating behaviors? We will be free to be who we are and allow others the freedom to be who they are.
A positive life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction that we walk toward, not a destination where we become static and complacent. Each of us has potential that no one else has. And it is not enough to wish for change. Change is an action that requires intention, focus, and energy. Become energized. Make a commitment to see the positive changes you dream about by exerting the energy and making a sincere commitment to bring these changes to reality. Live the life you’ve imagined. This might be good time to shed the negative people and habits that are holding you back. Tighten your circle and eliminate anyone who is not a positive, encouraging influence. You do not have to be who anyone else wants you to be. You are free to be you. Please grant others the freedom to be who they are. The world will become a more positive and peaceful place.