Imagine ...
... you place two pots on a high fire. In one you place an egg, in the other one a potatoe. After 25 minutes of boiling water you take out it out.
Now imagine you place coffee beans for 25 minutes into a third pot with boiling water.
Same adverse circumstances. Different reactions. Different results. The same boiling water that softens the potatoe hardens the egg and transforms the bean and enriches the aroma of the coffee.
We are unprecedented times, with a pandemic, social upheaval and biotechnological disruption all acting as major sources of adversity or challenge. During the worst of the pandemic, organizations have been required to rethink and even transform aspects of their business models to continue to provide value to customers and shareholders. Business model transformation and innovation doesn't just happen; it is envisioned and unlocked by resilient leaders in these organizations who thrive in the face of challenges posed by adversity and doing what is right, not what is easy.
The same adverse circumstances may turn you into a “cooked potatoe“ only if we choose to be a potatoe. It is not about circumstances, it is about what we make out of it. Our mindset counts much more than we think. Between stimulus and response we have the power to pause and make choices. It is our choice to transform ourselves into the “egg“ which grows stronger. It is our choice to transform the "beans" and blend it into magic coffee. The beans change the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.
When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean? Are you prepared? Are you taking on the challenge?
When facing challenges do not find excuses, do not blame others, do not complain – do not choose to become a victim. When something goes off do not ask yourself “Who is the one to blame?“ or “What can I use as an excuse?“
When something goes off always start with yourself and ask yourself two questions "what else can I do to make it happen" and “what can I learn from this?“ Be a leader, step up and assume 100% responsibility for everything around you, your actions and choices. Do not give others and circumstance the power over your life. It reminds me of a quote by Joan Marcques "When it rains it pours. Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences: we can choos to hate the rain or dance in it."
Resilience is built by attitude. In that sense it does not matter who you were when you fell, but who you became when you got up. It is rather a choice than anything else to bounce not only back, but higher - like a bouncy ball.