Let your Imagination Free...


This is a simple technique that enables us to connect with our dominant purpose and guide our actions and focus...

Take a minute to just sit and relax...

If you are able, and not driving, in a meeting, etc., close your eyes and imagine this...

You have unlimited superpowers, you are invincible, and have infinite resources at your disposal...

You have access to anyone and everything...

Whatever you imagine, becomes reality...

What change would you effect in the world if you had ultimate authority to do whatever you want...?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind...?

For me, for some reason, it was to instantly remove all the waste plastic from the oceans and rivers, setting the water back to how it would have been 100 years ago...

I thought it would be put £100m into my current account, but apparently, I have higher purpose values than that, which is reassuring...??

What becomes dominant in our minds will be dependent on our experience, values, beliefs, and mindset.

There are Four Basic types of Vision people have...

  1. Positive - making things better - removing plastics from the water, restoring the Amazon Rainforest to its former glory...
  2. Negative - retribution and removal - reduce human population to 1 Billion, concrete over everything, and get rid of all wildlife...
  3. Personal - applies to me only - make me the richest person in the world, and be able to live forever...
  4. Global - applies to everyone - makes everyone immune to the five major diseases affecting the human race...

Which box we gravitate towards gives an indication of how we feel about ourselves and the world, how big a part we think we can play, and whether we put ourselves or others as a priority...

Where does your mind take you...?

Negative Personal & Negative Global

The RED boxes, I would argue are to be avoided, although if your natural tendency is to visualise situations that would appear here, probably a good idea to find out why...

Where does the negative or destructive focus come from, how is it showing up in your professional and personal life...?

Positive - Personal.

Why did you prioritise yourself over others? Was it the classic "put the oxygen mask on you first..." approach or is there a more deep-seated scarcity or "me first" dominant mindset in play...?

Positive - Global

Which project did you choose - there are plenty to go for...

Why did this one come into focus, does it represent a deep-seated purpose that has been dormant or hidden for too long...?

What did you discover..?

Whichever box you found yourself falling into, and whatever cause or purpose became most vibrant to you - we can use them as a compass for developing our true purpose and calling...

The subconscious will, when allowed, bring us some surprising insights into our real motivations and concerns...

Perhaps the vision that came to you represents a path or cause to which you need to pay more attention, find like-minded people, and make positive steps toward...

Do you need to align more with your true calling...?

Try it, have fun, and let me know in the comments what came to mind when you allowed yourself to simply freewheel and let your imagination run...


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