IMAGINE if you were an ENTREPRENEUR and could INNOVATE to create something. What would you create?
IMAGINE if you could do long-term USER TESTING and measure the LASTING IMPACT of what you create? What IMPRINT would you leave?
Our ability to IMAGINE is a tremendous resource. What we can potentially create is, how should we say it, limited by our imagination. What a special human quality.
What if we think about ourselves instead of others? If you think of yourself as the USER and the LASTING IMPACT for yourself, what IMPRINT can you self-impart? If you were your personal ENTREPRENEUR, what would you INNOVATE or change for yourself?
IMAGINE if you could develop an idea that works well for how you see yourself, and could put that idea into action. Would you?
Can you IMAGINE why I chose today's word? I'm still RECYCLING -- last year's word today was IMAGINEERING.