Imagination - the true key to creation?
In today's business world, much of what we have been taught is to lead by our five senses, and there is little room left for any other way to create the success that many of us strive for.
Each person's version of success is different. For some, it might be landing a promotion. For others, it may mean finally launching a business they've been working on for months. And for some, it's finally focusing on what makes them happy.
But to create the success we desire and do it with ease and flow, we have to facilitate and encourage room to dream. Now, it's clear that not all settings support this. But the question is - are the environments we choose creating space for imagination? Or is this dismissed because our culture focuses on success as a result of hard work alone?
The work harder mindset
In many business environments, we are praised based on the time we spend working. So we often align with the belief that hustle and grind, working longer hours and getting less sleep are the only way to go.
Now, this is one way to create success. But it’s not the ONLY way to create success. So first, we have to ask ourselves what our end goal is. Is it simply more money? Or do we want to make more money while also being in true alignment, doing what we love?
Money is tricky - it can cause us to believe that we must do whatever is needed to obtain more.?
But has the chase for money become so hypnotizing that it’s blinded us to the power we each possess?
Have we succumbed to the false sense of security that drives us to lose sight of what’s really important? Is sacrificing personal time and time with our family and children worth this version of success?
How the past can influence our future
Many of us have been taught that what we have in our external world is what yields our success. But in reality, it's our alignment with our vibration, imagination and desire that raises our frequency and allows us to create the experiences we want.
This is a difficult concept for many of us because we cannot see imagination or our wish fulfilled with our 5 senses. But imagination is our unseen reality, and if we choose to experience what we imagine (instead of relying on our 5 senses), our reality will reflect this.?
A lot of people will hear this and immediately have doubts. And in most cases, those doubts are based on limiting beliefs we've been taught. Our past has made many of us believe that we aren't capable or worthy of achieving what we desire.?
In some cases, we may WANT to believe, but when we look at our external world, we don't see anything that reflects that which we imagine or desire. So we begin to doubt the likelihood of our desire materializing, and as a result, we limit the capacity of what we imagine to be true for ourselves.?
The power of conditioning
That's the power of conditioning - it can cause our beliefs, limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears to be carried with us, sometimes for our entire lives.
But the truth is - regardless of our beliefs, we are always imagining. We either imagine from our past experiences and beliefs or based on what our heart desires. So whatever we're imagining we can (or can't do) is what will transpire in our reality.
If you believe that success is a result of hard work, you will draw towards situations that reflect this belief and confirm your reality. You'll have to work hard, often with many sacrifices, to achieve your version of success.?
However, let’s say you believe that reality is formed by imagination and desires. In that case, you’ll realize that when you honor the creative elements of imagination, you will bring forth what you imagine.??
It's interesting because when something we know with absolute certainty is on its way to us, we don't question it. We don't doubt it, and we never waiver. Often, we begin to act as if what we are waiting for has already arrived. And by doing so, we become what we want. This is the key element in creation from imagination.????
The downside of emulating others
“It is not the actions and behaviour of the good man that should be matched but his point of view. Outer reforms are useless if the inner state is not changed”
We often look at what others do for success. And if their actions yield positive results, then we often think it should yield the same positive results for us. So we might try to emulate what others are doing, following the same steps or measuring the same KPIs and actions as our colleagues or competitors.???
It’s not to say KPIs and processes, and procedures aren’t important. But we should really want to know what attitudes, outlooks and thoughts were behind them achieving their desires.?
QUESTION - do we imagine ourselves receiving the results that we want? Or do we imagine ourselves chasing the results that we want?? Seeing yourself in the future you want causes the circumstances around you to shift and change to what you are.? To want it and chase it reinforces you don’t already have it.? This gives a sense of lack/scarcity - identify with former instead of latter as we attract what we are, not what we want.
By raising our level of consciousness, we often realize that it takes more than just actions in our external world to get to a place of feeling successful. It’s more about what we envision as possible, what we believe to be true and what we imagine we can achieve.?
Imagination - how to create success
Success is subjective. But as business leaders, the more we open ourselves up to exploring alternate means of reaching success, the more successful we’ll actually be.??
The power to create what we want is within each of us. Sometimes we experience things in our reality that are not congruent with what we want, and when this happens, we can quickly blame our outside world for what we are experiencing. But the truth is what we experience in our outside world is a reflection of our imagination.??
There can be no outer change until there are inner changes - and until then, everything else is futile. Imagination of the wish fulfilled brings forth change, and you must hold your vision and the ideal you want to create. This programs our subconscious mind, so our behaviours and experiences manifest accordingly.??
In the beginning, this will require heightened awareness because the outer world is taking our attention away from what truly matters. So many of us go about creating reality by default, and only a few of us get to a place where we start to listen to ourselves and begin to tune into what we truly desire. But this is where we get innovation from; this is when we have unique ways to solve problems.
Everywhere we go, we find information that either supports our vision and desires or goes against them. Unfortunately, we live in a society where hard work, sacrificing personal and family time and burnout is considered a badge of honor.?
So it's hugely important to surround ourselves with people, places and circumstances that align with our vision of what we want. And we also want to deafen our ears and close our eyes to people, places and circumstances that are disempowering and don't align with our definite chief aim and what we imagine for ourselves.?
As we continue our journey of self-discovery, one thing begins to stand out. Whether based on conditioning or past programming, anything we believe in will come true if that is our belief. Our imagination is incredibly powerful and gives us the ability to override "logic" by producing whatever we truly desire and believe in, in our outer world.??
Anything we desire, the success we want, is absolutely possible. Because, at its core, ALL things in our world are created by imagination.?