Imagination is one of the greatest tools humankind is blessed with. It is our wings to fly beyond our physical limitations. It is imagination through which the greatest minds reached our neighboring planets, see through the multiverse, and create mathematics of the unknown space. It is also the imagination that first dissected an atom to see the unseen and study that which is not identified yet.
Any decision a person takes in life, is based on his imagination of the result, whether it is about ordering food in a restaurant or leaving a country to another for better opportunities. One must imagine the result/future first before he would be able to make a decision.
Experts say, there are 2 types of imaginations; Synthetic and Creative.
1. Synthetic Imagination is something a person synthesizes from the understanding and beliefs that he already has. His beliefs make him better understand the situation and conclude imagining the possibilities in such a way that it is beneficial in the future. There's nothing creative in this stage and all the decisions are based on the previous understandings.
2. Creative Imagination: Not all people are capable of Creative imagination. Most of the time Creative imagination opposes the Synthetic imagination as it breaks all the pre-existing beliefs and principles. It is only through Creative imagination, the world has changed so far. Be it, Steve Jobs imagining a better mobile device or Einstein having carried out thought processes of the space mathematics, or Jack Ma imagining his destiny before starting, all those great minds had a capability to imagine Creatively to shape their future and thus the same of the world around them.
To conclude, imagination is a powerful weapon; when used in the right direction, it will pave the way for the future of mankind!
~ Inspired from Napoleon Hill