Imagination Can Save US
We hold the future in our hearts. We do. All of us together. It is our hopes and dreams that will shape the course of human events. The collective subconscious. So it’s important to visualize and hold within us the ideas and ideals we wish to manifest.
When I read Kevin’s statement the word I get stuck on is ‘imagine’. It’s hard to imagine how we've gotten ourselves into this pickle. It seems to me that a lot of our problems can be traced back to a failure of imagination. But the good news is that imagination can save us.
Imagination got us to the moon. Imagination got us cars and vaccinations. We imagined ourselves into this, we can imagine ourselves out. The power of imagination is what runs this world, it’s what ruins this world. And it’s what will get us back on course.
We have to look each other in the eye and believe that. We have to hold that belief in our hearts. We have to vote for who has the most bold imagination. We have to have leaders with tremendous imaginations. Imagination is the most important criteria now. Steady is not enough.
Imagination is the common denominator between all the people whose portraits I work on. When you look into the eyes of these people you see endless possibilities. Theirs is the thousand yard stare of daring to believe we can do better. And I believe.