What ideas or concepts dwell within your head?? Do they get you excited and fuel your passions? What you are thinking about, or perceiving is called imagination. It is the act or power of forming a mental image of something not seen by the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality.
These thoughts come from many different places. They are the result of things that you do, experience, read, or hear about. They come from nature, the built world, and the work of others, including art, dance, music, and acting.
Your imagination is not limited by knowledge or restraints of science or physics. Knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
Like many functions of the human mind, scientists still don’t fully understand imagination. It’s thought that imagination involves a network that helps share information across different regions of the brain. These different regions all work together to form mental images in our head.
You do not need to know or understand how it works to put it to work. You only must believe. Lewis Carroll said, “to believe is to achieve” and Napoleon Hill agreed with this thought by saying “what the mind can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.”
Our imagination allows us to do more than just daydream. It sparks new ideas and helps us visualize ourselves achieving that next great goal in life. It’s something we depend on every day, whether we’re faced with an issue at work or deciding what ingredients to cobble together for dinner.?
Greatness comes from the desire to do extraordinary things—to reach beyond the status quo and relentlessly chase your dreams. It all starts with?imagination, but when you aim higher than where you set your mark, you force yourself to get better, one thought at a time.
There is greatness inside all of us, but first, we must choose to be great. With a finite amount of time to live your ideal life, the time to embrace your inner thoughts is always now.
Imagination helps us to think way beyond what we might think possible. This provides us with targets; most targets are too small until we begin to imagine beyond what ordinarily limits us. We tend to make them too complicated, complex, and unrealistic. We lose focus and we drift from the original images that once were so clear and specific.
None other than Albert Einstein had a lot to say about imagination that drove a great deal of his thinking. He shared that, “imagination is everything. It’s the preview to life’s coming attractions.” Think about it this way. Everything we have become so accustomed to in life was the product of someone’s imagination. The desire to see more after dark harnessed electricity. The desire to get from one point to the next faster produced the bicycle, trains, then the automobile, and eventually planes. The desire to communicate over distances produced the telegraph, radios, telephone, and cell phones. Imagination is the bridge between a need and solving the needs. Imagination produces inspiration, based on hard work and many failures, to find successes, and to improve upon successes, to make even greater inventions.? It all starts with imagination.
We need to make time and space for imagination, create environments in which ideas are generated and nourished, and seek TRUTH through evidence, witnesses, and facts without allowing others to mislead us.