Images and Actions
Mind goes randomly from image to image. It may get focused on one image and then quietly move to another in a way that looks smooth and in flow. Awareness is a movement where this is observed. With awareness one sees how random those images are and how irrelevant the associated conversations are. Conversations that may happen along with these images. These images involve a whole system of emotions and sensations associated with them. The images fill the consciousness and with the help of associated emotions and feelings they look true and real and based on these then then mind formulate further actions. Further actions may be actions at the level of thought and hence results in more images or the actions may also be outward like picking up phone and calling your friend. But once the system becomes aware of these images and their randomness and irrelevance then they quickly come to an end or the associated feeling and emotions subside. The image then may stand there but it looks trivial and rather unimportant.
This process has become very pervasive and deep and everybody is captured by it. Anxiety, depression, boredom and much more result from this random play of images. Over time these random images have averaged out into a pattern and hence we are able to do everyday work. It had to happen for survival. It is like the random motion of gas atoms. On the average the gas has a steady temperature and pressure.
These images are especially more frequent when one is going to sleep and the eyes are closed. What happens during the day is that the eyes are open and the direct perception of nature keeps some order in these images. During the day for some people this random may go too far and then we say "they have lost their mind". Once one becomes aware of these random images, during the day then the direct perception of things and surroundings comes to its actual form or one can say the interference from the random images go away. Then the direct perception reveals much more than usual.