This Image Is What Your Current Website Is Likely Doing To Your Revenue...HELP Is Available
William Siebler
I Write Words That Make Your Clients Say Shut Up And Take My Money - Reassuringly Expensive Direct Response Copywriter
If your site is like most sites then the picture below is a dramatic illustration of what happens when you don't know and understand website conversion. Bottom line people leave and don't come back. In fact many sites convert at less than 2% when it could be much higher. Boosting conversion is often the fastest way to grow a web business. So start by looking at your numbers - traffic in and actions taken. Then aim to better that number. There are many things you can change but only do 1 at a time or you won't know what worked. If you have a site with decent traffic (1k+ unique visitors a month) and aren't sure how you're converting I would be happy to do a free conversion planning session with you. All you need to ask and be committed to getting better in this area.