Image Matters
Part 7 | Copyright
Ok, so you're still using stock images or ones you've sourced from the internet.
Be mindful, not all images are free to use. When you Google search for images you can search specifically for free to use, but many are only available for Non-Commercial Use. If you're in business this is not you.
Many images will pop up and be incorrectly shown in these searches and you'll find that you will need to purchase them or the site has a copyright disclaimer that puts the onus back on you. Because anyone can upload an image and claim they own it. Be sure the images are legitimately sourced to avoid breaching someone's copyright.
The only sure fire way to avoid copyright infringement is to purchase your stock from a reputable library or create your own.
If you find an image you like and want to use it you can do a reverse search on its viability.
Google image search:
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#GrowYourBusiness #ImageMatters #LavinePhoto #imagemanagement #marketing
Yve is the founder of Yve Lavine Photography
Providing business event and portrait photography in Sydney, Australia.
#BrandManagement [email protected]