Image Matters
Part 5: Energy
The energy seen in your imagery can not be underestimated. With any showcase material, preparation and presentation are everything if you want to ensure you get it right for your intended audience.
Your stills library is no different. Therefore, it pays to be well organised. Don't just have your photographer rock up with no prior thought or preparation for those whom you expect to be in front of the lens.
In my experience, having prepared and enthusiastic participants is vital
At Yve Lavine Photography we've created a 'warm up activity worksheet' for our clients and their staff. Having relaxed, comfortable participants in front of the camera can never be underestimated. After all their demeanour, is what your audience sees.
Our exercises are similar to those an actor or keynote speaker may use before stepping onto the stage. They help participants to have fun and not take the situation too seriously.
Your imagery will then reflect warmth and genuine openness for your audience.
Would you like a copy of the warm up sheet?
Drop us a note in the comments and I'll shoot it across to you.
Prepare for the shoot
Warm up
Have the end game in mind