Image Manipulation Using OpenCV and Python

Image Manipulation Using OpenCV and Python

# Day02 - 03-Mar-2024

# Basic Image Manipulations

# a. Accessing and manipulating image pixels

# b. Image resizing

# c. Cropping

# d. Flipping


import os

import cv2


# Read the image as grey scale

cb_img = cv2.imread("checkerboard_84x84.jpg", 0)

image = cv2.imread("coca-cola-logo.png", 1)

# print this image data here


# let's try to pick some pixel and check did you able the fetch the right pixel or now?

# The array is 0 based, and the rows are 0 to 17 and also column are 0 to 17

# print the 0,0 and 0,6 pixel from the image data

print("[0,0] pixel value = ", cb_img[0][0])

print("[0,6] pixel value = ", cb_img[0][6])

# now I want to modify the perticular pixel and check the modified image

# There are two approach , one is modify the origional image data or copy the image data and

# modify the copied image data

cb_img_copy = cb_img.copy();

cb_img_copy[2,2] = 200

cb_img_copy[2,3] = 200

cb_img_copy[3,2] = 200

cb_img_copy[3,3] = 200

cv2.imshow("Image", cb_img_copy)



# Lets say I want to modify the range of pixels here

start_point = (2,8)

end_point = (4,16)

new_value = {255,0,0}

cb_img[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]] = new_value

# Save the modified image

cv2.imwrite('modified_image.jpg', cb_img)

# Display the image

cv2.imshow('Modified Image', cb_img)



# Example for the range based image modification

import cv2

# Read the image

cb_img = cv2.imread('checkerboard_18x18.png')

# Define the start and end points of the pixel range

start_point = (0, 10) ?# starting at row 50, column 100

end_point = (2, 16) ? # ending at row 100, column 200

# Define the new value to which you want to set the pixel range

# It's a BGR tuple for a colored image - (Blue, Green, Red)

new_value = (255, 0, 0) ?# Setting the range to blue

# Set the pixel range to the new value using the correct square brackets for slicing

cb_img[start_point[0]:end_point[0], start_point[1]:end_point[1]] = new_value

# Display the image

cv2.imshow('Image with modified pixels', cb_img)



# Save the modified image

cv2.imwrite('modified_image.jpg', cb_img)

# end of this sample code


# Next example is the Croping the Images

# Define the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right points of the cropping rectangle

# (x, y) coordinates of the top-left corner

top_left = (25, 25)

# (x, y) coordinates of the bottom-right corner

bottom_right = (75, 75)

# Crop the image using array slicing

# Note that the first dimension is Y (rows, or height), and the second dimension is X (columns, or width)

cropped_image = image[top_left[1]:bottom_right[1], top_left[0]:bottom_right[0]]

# Display the cropped image

cv2.imshow('Cropped Image', cropped_image)



# Save the cropped image

cv2.imwrite('cropped_image.jpg', cropped_image)


# Resizing Images - Sample code for understamnding

img_org = cv2.imread("cropped_image.jpg", 1)

# Specify the desired width and height

desired_width = 300

desired_height = 200

# Resize the image to the specified width and height

img_resize = cv2.resize(img_org, (desired_width, desired_height))

# Alternatively, resize the image by a scaling factor

# For example, to scale down by half set scale_percent to 50

scale_percent = 50

width = int(image.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100)

height = int(image.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100)

dim = (width, height)

#Resize image by factor

img_resize_factor = cv2.resize(img_org, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

# Display the original and resized images

cv2.imshow('Original Image', img_org)

cv2.imshow('Resized Image (Specific Dimensions)', img_resize)

cv2.imshow('Resized Image (Scaling Factor)', img_resize_factor)



# Save the resized images

cv2.imwrite('resized_image_specific.jpg', img_resize)

cv2.imwrite('resized_image_by_factor.jpg', img_resize_factor)



#Flipping Images

# Load the image from file

img_before_flip = cv2.imread('New_Zealand_Lake.jpg')

# Flip the image horizontally (around the y-axis)

img_flipped_hori = cv2.flip(img_before_flip, 1)

# Flip the image vertically (around the x-axis)

img_flipped_vert = cv2.flip(img_before_flip, 0)

# Flip the image both horizontally and vertically

img_flipped_both = cv2.flip(img_before_flip, -1)

# Display the original image

cv2.imshow('Original Image', img_before_flip)

# Display the flipped images

cv2.imshow('Horizontally Flipped', img_flipped_hori)

cv2.imshow('Vertically Flipped', img_flipped_vert)

cv2.imshow('Both Flipped', img_flipped_both)

# Wait for a key press and then close all image windows



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