I'm on vacation every single day 'cause I love my occupation
Chris Feola
Author, Perfecting Equilibrium: For a brief, shining moment Web1 democratized data. Then Web2 came along and made George Orwell look like an optimist. Now Web3 is Perfecting John Nash’s Information Equilibrium.
Foto.Feola.Friday for June 23, 2023
A-a-aye, I'm on vacation
A-a-aye, I'm on vacation
Every single day, every, every single day
I really am fortunate this way. As I’ve repeatedly reported, I have to write the way I have to breathe. Writing is my way of assembling my thoughts and working out what I think. Photography is my way of seeing. So I’m fortunate, and indebted to you for reading this.
Still, occasionally a break is in order, and so Perfecting Equilibrium will be On Vaca for the next two weeks. I’ve scheduled items from the archives during the break; new content will resume July 14th.
Some vacationy photos from Key West for your perusal…
Next on Perfecting Equilibrium
Best of PE while we’re on vaca; new content resumes July 14th