I’m Trying To Communicate with Animals But My ‘Clairs’ Aren’t Working

I’m Trying To Communicate with Animals But My ‘Clairs’ Aren’t Working

Why is becoming skilled in using your intuition to communicate with animals important to you?

One person said

“I live for animals, they are the only source of joy in my life. I want to be able to give them something back. I want to ‘hear’ what they would need to be extra comfy, how I can enrich their lives even more. I’ve tried connecting for 3 months now and getting nowhere fast and I’m SO deflated, I’ve reached the point when I almost dare not try again ‘cos it’s too painful NOT to receive anything AT ALL ~ in any kind of clair possible. I need to ‘jam’ this negative process ASAP, as it’s counter-productive. Time to get back on the saddle with renewed enthusiasm.”

Oh that is so sad! Because if you’ve been struggling to connect for 3 months with such painful, dismaying “results”, then it’s definitely time to learn how to do this right so you get much better results.


To be clear, this person hasn’t trained with ME yet.

I don’t know exactly what she’s doing that isn’t working, or where she’s getting stuck, but I can take a pretty good guess at it after having coached 1000’s of students in the last 30 years.

I also don’t know who trained her, what classes she’s done, how or where she’s been practicing where she’s not receiving the proper feedback, support, and expert guidance to develop intuitive skills and ALL her ‘clairs“.

The good news is, I do know how to help her in all those areas.

Including how to identify what she’s missing and helping stop make the mistakes she’s making so she can get her back “on the saddle”.

Because if you’re going in the wrong direction, more speed doesn’t help.

Lately, I’ve been hearing horror stories of very well known communicator teachers hosting workshops and teaching in a way that left their students feeling just like this, deflated, dismayed, disheartened, frustrated, and all alone.

If you had that experience too, it might help you to know that the teacher had her advanced best students in the class.

The advanced students were the ones that spoke up to share what they got and who received high praise for their efforts, not all the clueless silent beginners who weren’t getting anything at all.

I’ve even heard of teachers telling students they just needed to imagine a conversation and that’s communication.

No meditating, no inner healing, no preparation in any way, just imagine a conversation.

What, like daydreaming imagination?

Uh… NO, it’s NOT all that’s needed! Seriously?!

Just imagining a conversation in your mind is NOT how to communicate proficiently with animals.

True, two way Heart to Heart, Soul Conversations are NOT coming from just using your imagination.

You need to clear yourself properly, clean up your energy field so you’re not transmitting nasty cooties to the animals energetically, get out of your mind (head space) and into your HEART (Soul) space before you attempt to connect.

And if you haven’t been taught how to activate, use and develop ALL your clairs so they are working well then it’ll be harder to receive and interpret the messages animals send.

To be clear, the 4 basic “clairs” refer to the intuitve gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance.

You need those so you can meet the animal where they are because if they use a clair you aren’t familiar with or aren’t competent in using, then you’ll miss their messages entirely.

You’ll gloss over what they send you, or misinterpret it.

Like a radio station, they’re broadcasting but you’re not receiving.

You’re on the wrong channel or haven’t dialed it in yet.

Ultimately, there’s SO MUCH MORE to learn if you want to be a competent proficient communicator!

So… If that’s what you’ve been taught too?

Please, kick that teacher to the curb and forgive yourself for trying to follow their faulty training methods.

Now you know what doesn’t work.

It’s time to learn what DOES work.nbsp;

The thing is, if you are connecting properly then you ARE receiving information.

In fact, you’re receiving energetic impressions, messages and information ALL the time from everywhere and everyone around you. The key is to focus in on where the information is coming from, and interpret it properly.

But if you aren’t connecting with the animal from the very start at the heart and Soul level, then nothing else will work well for you in understanding what the animal is trying to tell you. Period.

Might as well stop right there, ’cause you’re stuck all up in your head.

That’s imagination territory, where the ego lives and all your inner parts and the past experiences and expectations and inner voices and wounds and shadows live.

The thing is, your mind can interfere and block your ability to communicate properly, and can often hijack your communication with animals if you let it.

And that’s why the Heart Wisdom Method focuses on getting out of your head, and into your heart and Soul.

EVERYTHING you do begins with the Heart Love Soul Connection.

It’s THAT important.

The Heart Wisdom Method and Love Connection Meditation will connect you easily.

I teach this and guide students in how to do it properly in every Live Q&A Coaching Call for Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ? members.

I also teach it in my training courses, intuition development lessons, masterclasses and meditation exercises personally designed for animal communicators (and healers).

My process and Method is a game changer and often miracles of healing and profound spontaneous communications happen when we do it.

Once you learn how to do this, you can easily shift and connect with just a couple of breaths and a refocus of your energy.

It’s not a “thinking” exercise. It’s a FEELING experience.

You’ll FEEL the connection clearly, and deeply, because it’s a dance of live energy between you.

And from there you can send and receive messages easily.

You’re in Flow, Sync and Harmony.

If you’ve healed yourself enough that you don’t block, gloss over, or misinterpret the messages through the filter of your own wounds, then your confidence and accuracy levels will be very high.

That’s why the Heart School courses and classes and Heart Wisdom Method focus on inner healing and energy transference so much.

This goes way beyond simple telepathy.

And it’s critical to your success.

Some students get my courses and it’s not at all what they’re expecting because my focus is on developing your ability to dance with energy as a fundamental key to communicating using the Heart Wisdom methods.

Once you GET and master this principle, you can connect and dance energetically with animals all day long, engaging in fun, entertaining, healing and profoundly powerful conversations about anything, anytime you wish.

When I hear from disheartened students with stories like this, I know for a fact that they are simply making mistakes.

Their education is lacking, and they haven’t been practicing properly.

So the bottom line is…

If you are struggling to connect and getting nowhere fast, feeling deflated…

If you’re at the point when you don’t even want to try again…

If it’s so painful NOT to receive anything AT ALL in any kind of clair possible…

Then it’s time to ‘jam’ the old way that doesn’t work and switch it out with what DOES work.

Here’s how to get back on the saddle with renewed enthusiasm.

Join me and your fellow students in our next Live Q&A Coaching Call held the second Saturday of each month.

We start at 8:30 am Pacific / 10:30 am Central / 11:30 am Eastern.

Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ? Gold Trial membership is just $10 for your first 4 weeks, which is ridiculously inexpensive for everything you get.

This page explains everything, and shows you how to join the Club.

What are my students saying?

“This class was mind blowing! I’ll have to listen to the class again because honestly, my mind was so fascinated by what you were doing that I kept gettiing out of my heart space and marvelin

~ Elizabeth

“I can’t wait to listen again. I physically felt like I was sitting up taller and that my back was releasing. The analogy of it being a game of tug of war, and you just need to drop the rope really got the message through to me. I am going to do this exercise regularly from now on! I absolutely love these energy techniques. Such great timing for me, too, as I only really understood what it meant that my communication style is energetic last week and whereas I think that has made my animal comms journey longer (and harder) than it might otherwise have been. I am so excited by these energy tools and find them much easier to integrate into my daily life. Thank you!”

~ Natalie

“Recently I used the heart method to communicate with my horse. It was one of the strongest and most loving interchanges we have ever had. Eldorado gave me a gift of a thrilling ride through the universe showing me all the grace and beauty that is available to us. Very intense. And beautiful! Thank you for this Heart Method.”

~ Sharon

“Extremely privileged to be studying with Val…… since I started the journey (rather sporadically and unsuccessfully I may add) 5 years ago, she is the first teacher to emphasize that animal communication is not just that, but a spiritual journey to make us better people, to heal, evolve and grow… so she gives us the best possible resources and guides us personally every step of the way. Thanks Val!”

~ Nita

“Animal Communication and Heart Wisdom healing saved my horse’s life! I can’t believe I almost talked myself out of trying it.”

~? Hannah

“These wonderful classes taught me how to heal my highly sensitive empathic side. I feel empowered and confident, and now I can communicate at will with animals, anywhere, anytime!”

~ Angela

“Val pours her heart into everything she does and every class is packed with fabulous information I just haven’t found anywhere else.”

~ Joy

“I wish I had known about you and your programs a few decades ago, I would have saved a LOT of time, heartache, and a LOT of $$$$. When I participated in the Live Q&A Coaching Calls you would include little-known techniques and practices NOWHERE else available, I LOVED LOVED LOVED it! I am so grateful. I was able to learn what I did and now I use it to help the animals I work with. Thank you for all that you do!”

~ Dr Cheryl

“I really enjoyed taking the time to think about this stuff and discuss it with other people who feel the same way I do. For me, this is the cheapest and BEST therapy in the world!”

~ Janice

Join us in the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club?!

I can coach students all day long about different principles of animal communication and healing to enjoy extraordinary conversations with animals, but at the end of the day, there’s no substitute for actually working with someone and getting the feedback that is tailored to you so that you can practice and learn efficiently.

If you are feeling stuck or blocked in any way with your communications or developing your intuition, then this is what you’ve been looking for.

Now’s a great time to join us so you can participate in our next Live Q&A Coaching Call.

Our focus on self mastery including doing your inner healing work and developing ALL your intuitive abilities, which is what makes the Heart Wisdom Methods unique and so much more powerful than other animal communication programs.

Wishing you and your animals good health, love and great communication,

Val “Magic Happens When We Love and Communicate Together” Heart

Founder of The Heart School of Animal Communication ? and Host of the BEST Online Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ?

P.S. The Heart Wisdom program is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method.

My “right fit” students move through four levels of competence: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and proficient practitioners.

You can start right away with immediate access.

It’s all spelled out for you HERE.

This page shows you what all you get as a member and how to sign up

Download my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on the picture below!

Did you enjoy this article? Here are some more all about animal communication:

5 Steps to Communicate With Animals Using a Picture

11 of the 27 Brilliant Reasons to Learn Animal Communication

Every Animal Lover Needs to Know How to Talk to Animals


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