I'm thankful for these pie charts
I think we've all seen the pie chart pies and if you haven't please enjoy these pies I've found.
While I am a fan of these actual pies and pie segments, of course the best pie chart is the one that meets the user's needs and is used appropriately (3-5 segments) AND the one that I can eat at Thanksgiving.
This article in the newsletter isn't really about pie charts though. It's about Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I appreciate the time we carve out to give thanks, whether it's for the little or the big things in life.
On a professional level, this year has been a rollercoaster. I'm thankful for this space, where I can connect with you to share what I've learned in my journey in data viz over the last twelve years. Thank you (and LinkedIn) for giving me this space. I appreciate the comments y'all send my way.
I'm also thankful for the opportunity to write an introductory course on data and analytics that also allows me to teach people new to this profession so that they can learn the things I wish I knew back in 2009 when I really got my first intro to data as a system administrator.
Personally, I'm thankful for some health issues that have somewhat improved or have resolved.
I hope you are able to spend time with the people you love and you can share your gratitude with the people who you're thankful for.
I launch, scale, and sell businesses (and help other founders do the same)
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