“I’m Stuck.”
Dr. Benson Fox Psy.D.
Religious Jew; Father; Husband; PsyD; Psychologist at Apple Psychological & EEPS; Rambam HS School Psychologist; Touro Adjunct Faculty Professor; HCBS Provider for Bright Futures; Certified Life Coach & Crisis Counselor
“I’m Stuck.”
At some point, we all experience this:
A sense of feeling overwhelmed, burned out and most of all seeing no way out.
In coaching, I’ve learned some valuable techniques that are worth sharing to apply to yourself and/or your practice.
Here’s three of my go-to's:
1- Roleplay/switching roles-
A “stuck” person usually loses objectivity in their perspective of their situation. By having them take a step back, it helps them regain their impartiality.
“if you were giving me advice what would you tell me.”
“how would an observer see the situation and what would they suggest”?
2- identify and apply strengths-
When a person feels stuck, they feel helpless and weak. By refocusing them on their strengths, it can help break the psychological paralysis.
“What strengths do you have? Which ones can you apply to this situation.”
3- What changed?-
Mostly the problems people face haven’t been going on forever. By reminding them of when it wasn’t around allows them to remember that this problem doesn’t define them and helps identify the negative catalyst that got them here.
“What would not having the problem look like?”
“When you didn’t have the problem what was different?”
Help me come up with more ways to break myself and my clients out of stuck zones.
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