I'm Still Alive..........
Charles Young LACES The London Anti Crime Education Scheme
Founder & CEO
It's Thursday morning and it's 02.40 am and Yes. I Am Still alive...................It's been a while since I posted but let's be fair...........Who really gives a shit out there ? In the time since my last post my work has increased and I have some bookings in the diary and have been asked to address the Public Policy Exchange conference in London on the 21st June (this year lol)
Laces.The London Anti-Crime Education Scheme (www.laces.org.uk) is finally being recognised for the important work we have been doing now for.....Let's see ? This is my 25th year and I'm certainly feeling it and at almost 65 you'd think my life over but it's only just beginning.............All I need to do now is to get fit and healthy instead of looking like a dried prune lol
My subject matter is addressing priorities for reform and I'm very excited about it because for the first time I actually feel very confident..............so I have no need to head for the river coz that would make people who dislike people like me (A criminal) very happy............BUT.................. I don't wanna do that I want to educate the young me and stop him from ruining his young life as I did when I was that age........
I am back because of Claire and Rick who very kindly updated LACES and are in the process of redesigning the Laces website.....which I hope will be up and running next week....
I'm just deciding if I should drive to Blackheath Tea Hut for a coffee or go back to bed ??????????????????????? OK decision made.Coffee it is coz if I go back to bed now I'll sleep in and not sleep again tomorrow evening
So until next time..................