I’m a businesswoman, not a saleswoman!
I’m a manager, I don’t sell anything!
I educate people, I don’t sell them!
I’m an advisor, not a salesperson!
Need I go on???Why is it so few businesspeople seem to realize SELLING is nothing more than CONVINCING, and that’s really all businesspeople, advisors, trainers, and managers, and salespeople do . . . they SELL!??
It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling a product, service, idea, concept, or yourself . . . you’re selling!
You, the manager, tell your employee to remove all the widgets from the east corner of the building.??Your employee says she can cover them, and no one will know they are there. Wouldn’t that work, she asks???You explain why they must be moved, and she moves them.??She was convinced . . . she was sold.?
You and your partner discuss your idea, and your partner agrees to do it your way.??Your partner was sold.
Your roommate wants to have Chinese food, you want Italian.??If you end up at?The Wok,?your roommate was the salesperson.??If you end up at?Guido’s,?you were.
And, the plain fact is, if you don’t have a professional sales coach, you’re simply not selling as well as you could be!
To enjoy a one-hour complimentary Discovery Meeting with David Richman, call Butterfield Enterprises, Inc. and mention Linkedin.
For additional information about David Richman, review his Linkedin Profile or contact David directly at (818) 368-1308 or email David at [email protected]. And if you haven’t already done so, take a moment to join Mr. Rchman’s Linkedin network.??You’ll be glad you did.