I'm Recruiting New Cryptocurrency Millionaires - Training Provided  Phase "2"

I'm Recruiting New Cryptocurrency Millionaires - Training Provided Phase "2"

Our Future At Empowr Coin Is Bright:


While the" Stock Markets", Bitcoin Market, and "Ethereum Markets" go up and down in an overt display of volitivity, the "Empowr Coin" steadily proceeds on an upward spiral; virtually suppressing any form of volitivity based on several factors.

(Factor One) 

We have our own eight hundred thousand person online markets in which our members can buy and sell via empowr coins, and empowr per-coins. The Bitcoin and Ethereum markets have no such thing.

They simply rely on speculators to buy and sell with fiat currency (being dollars, euros, pesos, etc.), which forces individuals to buy and sell based on fear of loss. A perfect example is when you see the "DOW" go up and down, as it reacts to what people say and do.

(Factor Two)

The empowr coin increases in value every single day and will eventually surpass all other competition which will, in turn, create numerous new "Cryptocurrency Millionaires". Our members are paid for their daily posting and other activities with pre-coins.

As we complete certain task your pre-coins are changed into regular coins, which after a short maturation can be transferred out to your "MyEtherWallet" then traded on the various exchanges for dollars, euros, pesos, etc.)

(Factor Three)

As an example, I will use my own personal account. Currently, my pre-coins are ?e??641,164.60 and my maturing coins that are waiting to transfer out are e??60,286.73. Keep in mind that the empowr coin just went on the market on Friday, April 20th, 2018 and started at a price of five cents per coin.

After only one week the value is up to over fifty cents per coin. Shortly the value will be over $1.00 per coin and by the end of the year, we are hoping for $5.00 per coin.  

With that said and using my personal account, at the end of this year with the ?e??641,164.60 coins currently in my personal account, this amount at $5.00 per coin would translate to $3,070,820 or three million, seventy thousand - eight hundred - twenty dollars.

(Factor Four)  

According to Coinmarketcap.com, our projections for empowr coin will surpass new and existing coins thanks to our R&D and Long-Term Planning Departments. We were the ones who invented Virtual Currency and SMS Messaging and hold patients to each. Currently, we have over Eight Hundred Thousand Members anchoring our marketplace, which no other cryptocurrency has.

(A) By the end of next month (May 2018): the empowr coin will be the 35th most valuable coin out of 1,658 worldwide.

(B) By the end of this year (December 2018): the empowr coin will be a top 10 coin.

(C) By next summer: the empowr coin will be a top 5 coin.

(D) And in less than 2 years: the empowr coin will be the 3rd most valuable coin after Bitcoin and Ethereum. 

(E) There is no other organization in the world at the present time who can accurately project and stand behind the figures just read to you.

(F) With that being said, this is the major reason that I am Recruiting New Cryptocurrency Millionaires as you read.

(Factor Five)

Below The Following Sites Will Educate You In The Art of cryptocurrency



Three: CLICK HERE   

Four: CLICK HERE    

Recap of Phase"1" CLICK HERE 

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