I'm A Published Author!

I'm A Published Author!

I wrote about this on my Facebook but I have been super busy so I am just sharing this here in LI.

< Posted 12/30/2022 via FB>

I'll keep this short.

It's always been easy to make the work I do for others a priority.

Recently I've been learning to make myself a priority.

I've been a writer my whole life. Today I start my publishing career.

The first manuscript for Sacred Monsters was completed in 2009.

I've spent the past two years making it a priority to get published.

Sacred Monsters is a murder mystery set in 1954 Chicago.

It showcases my passion for history, "who-done-its", and Chicago as a character!

My writing style was once described as cinematic literature.

This is an introduction to my literary universe.

I hope you enjoy it!

~ Carl J. Evans ~



Mary Blanchard

Sales and Partnerships Executive

1 年

An excellent read that immerses you back in time in Chicago. Historical nuggets are woven in on most every page. Just like a conversation with Carl you learn so much, all while being cinematically entertained through a murder mystery with lots of twists! Carl brings the city and characters to life. Can’t wait to read more of your work.

Tyler Uteg

Data-driven Business and Revenue Operations leader | Helping companies scale for growth | Driving efficiency through collaboration and technology | Problem solver | 2X Salesforce Implementer | Swiss Army Knife

1 年




