I'm making sure you really saw this...You’ve probably heard the names: Why The RIGHT CRM really...really matters
Maria Hiebert
"Empowering Marketers to Cultivate Passive and Residual Income Streams while Championing a Healthy Lifestyle"
I had this message in my inbox this morning from Jon Benson.
We use one of those for a CRM…won’t mention which one. Between poor deliverability and the insane degree of tech proficiency required to operate it, it’s cost me—if I’m being generous—at least six figures.
So, we’ve been in constant talks about switching CRMs. Frankly, it may be a bit too late for us. We may have to suffer and cobble together a CRM for this…and an emailing platform for that…an affiliate tracking platform here…ugh.
Now, today there’s a simple choice to avoid all of that nonsense.
And it was created by my good friend Mike Filsaime. Check out Groove.CM.
For starters, Groove is wildly inexpensive. Under $500 a year. A YEAR. Like…wow. We spend way more than that every month.
Here’s why I like Mike’s solution:
But there’s a catch: there’s no way Mike could keep this business model alive past a certain point…and that point is coming up in about 30 days.
I get it. I priced my own AI app ridiculously cheap too. We both really want to help others as well as turn a profit, but sometimes that first part clouds our judgment.
So, in about 30 days, Mike is considering going up to $299/month…which is STILL way less than we pay for our current solutions. But if you use my discount link below, you can lock yourself in for two things you’ll love:
Here’s your free trial to Groove.CM…on me and Mike: [Insert Link Here]
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to simplify your business processes and save a ton of money in the process.