I'm just saying ...

I'm just saying ...

There are things in the world that puzzle me greatly and I wanted to vent about them. These are all comments I make for my own sake and nobody else's. Why write about such mundane and universally uninteresting topics? Because I'm tired of what I'm seeing, feeling, and doing as a result of the existence of these particular annoyances. I'm not talking about annoying like a teenage girl with attitude; I'm talking about life-long puzzlements that have become brain-infecting toxins that could easily cause an early demise. (Can you spell R-E-L-I-E-F?)

Cop Conventions

I like police officers and sheriff's deputies. They do a job I would never want to do. l actually was an Officer of the State of Utah for a while (writing parking tickets at the University of Utah) and was around police. Still, I learned to watch and wonder about some things in the intervening years. The most prevalent of those ponderings is why do so many police show up at an accident scene? I watch the videos on the television and there are always a dozen cars chasing one car and when the whole thing comes to a screeching, crashing, smashing halt (see next subject) another dozen cars show up. Everyone hops out, wanders around, shares fist pumps, and gets overtime, I guess. Maybe that's the purpose to the exercise. I'm just saying ...

Screeching! Smashing! Crashing!

This one is more objective than subjective. By that I mean I haven't been chased by a police car for a long, long time, but I watch videos of people who are chased by the police. One thing I've noticed is that in many cases there's an opportunity to stop the suspect quickly with a bang to the bumper. However, in most cases, that opportunity is missed and a chase ensues. Now we have my pet peeve coming out. With all the talk about "Public Safety," I'm left wondering where the hell the safety is in letting a mindless maniac fly through traffic with five cops chasing them? Seriously, there's nothing safe about it and yet it is allowed to happen over and over again. Innocent people driving through their daily lives are at the mercy and skillset of an 18-year-old idiot behind the wheel of his mom's Subaru. Or, even better, a drunk 18-year-old idiot. C'mon, guys and gals, you gotta do better than that! I'm just saying ...

Next up ... the other side of the coin.

Following along in our bitch session about society's shortcomings, I will continue with the failings of the justice system. As stated previously, I have not been involved in a police chase lately so I speak from inexperience on the matter. But I think someone who speeds through traffic to escape the police should be charged with more than Reckless Driving. They are putting innocent people's lives in jeopardy and the best the justice system can come up with is Reckless? Hell, if you ask me it's Attempted Murder. The fleeing driver knows if they hit someone there will be an accident and someone could die. The police chasing the fleeing driver know the same thing. Why don't the prosecutors and judges know the same thing? And I'm talking about receiving a charge for every car they pass in the chase. You pass 500 cars driving like a maniac, and you get a year in jail for each one. That might slow down the situation a little. I'm just saying ...

Okay, okay ... politics

Whatever the hell the current political scene will be called in the history books, right now it's just a shit show. Republican nominee and walking bulls-eye. Donald Trump, is so far ahead of Cacklin' Kamala it isn't funny. At the moment, polls have the two of them neck-and-neck. What does that mean? In my humble opinion, it proves my perennial point that polls are as useless as tits on a bull. Think about it; if there's a "margin of error" of two or three percent in either direction and the polls have the two candidates even with each other, they could be off by as much as six percent and still be within their margin of error, right? So, what good are polls? No good whatsoever. In my opinion, Trump will not only run away with the election, but the Senate and House will also end up Republican-controlled. Now, that doesn't mean anything will get done, it just means the people who will fail their constituents will be primarily Republican the next time. I'm just saying ...

Coup, coup, ka-chew!

If you believe there wasn't a coup last summer, you may not be fully informed. A coup is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics; especially: the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group." When a sitting leader is removed from office against their will, by any means, it constitutes a coup. President Biden announced his run for another term, secured funding, and received the votes to be the nominee. Vice President Kamala Harris did not engage in these activities. Biden was removed or replaced (however you wish to view it) by Harris without any citizens voting for her through a nominating process as dictated by the Democratic process. She was "anointed" by elite Democrats to replace Biden. It's one thing if the old fart agreed that he was too useless to continue as President and resign, but it's an entirely different circumstance when he leaves office kicking and screaming. It could be he just needs a diaper change, it's hard to tell the difference. I'm just saying ...


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