I'm Jimbo
My name is James Bretney. I have been teaching for the past 5 years. I began my career in Houston, Texas where I taught Career and Technology Education (CATE). I coached Varsity Football at Sterling High School. I now teach Adult Basic Education for the state of Arizona. I teach adults and I really love teaching students who want to learn. I am exploring whether or not I want to open up a charter school in Marana where I live. Marana does not have a small College Prep High School. It also doesn't have a small trade school for high school age students. I am in the secondary program on the Traditional Pathway.
I would not call myself a novice or advanced tecchie. I would not call myself a tecchie. The bloom is off the rose when it comes to the fulfillment of the promise of technology. I too long for the nostalgia afforded to those of a certain age that lived before the technology invasion into our personal lives. I probably use all devices, tools and apps that you use frequently (e.g., word processing, texting, gaming, iTunes, Google, PowerPoint, GPS, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, iPad, etc.). I also had a breif career in media so there are some things I know that used to be valuable but probably isn't anymore. I still do photography as a hobby. FOLLOW ME ON Instagram . . .
All kidding aside, I salute all of you who signed up for this. The kids really need you and well, you need them. God Bless