I’m Interested in Writing a New Chapter
Steve Kodad
International Feng Shui Master | Author | PBS presenter | Real Estate Expert | Feng Shui Staging Professional Certification | Ringling College of Art + Design | Holistic RE
As many of you already know, I’ve been a big advocate of thinking “outside the box”. Many of my best ideas have come from trying something out of my comfort zone.
If you had known me in high school, the last thing you would of expected me to do…was become a presenter to large audiences. That was never in my DNA, but here I am now jumping on airplanes to give a talk from 1-hour to all day in places like Las Vegas or Boston. And surprise, surprise…I like doing it!
This short article is a strange one.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m going to continue with what I’m doing, but I’ve been thinking about all of the amazing opportunities out there…and want to see if one or several of you has a brilliant idea for me.
What kind of idea?
I’ve been “toying” with many ways of partnering with someone to reach more people. For the last 5 years I have given serious thought to starting a school to certify individuals in home staging…as an example.
I have contacted or been contacted by folks in real estate about putting together partnerships to give workshops around the country on achieving success in real estate.
What I’m getting at is this: if you believe there is a way to mesh your specialty with mine in some way, get in touch and let’s “kick it around”!
As I stated above, this is a unique post. I love thinking about ways to improve real estate. I’m passionate about human psychology. I totally am enamored with development of courses and programs. My unique niche is Feng Shui and real estate.
Give it some thought. So many of you have great experience and ideas, Put on that thinking cap. Maybe I should play it safe. Hush! No negativity allowed.
My email is [email protected]