I'm Here To Stay
A casual walk with my dog Rusty, after doing some exercise at Riverside Park in the Upper West Side of New York City…
A casual crossing of paths, with a photographer, who said that he was waiting for forty five minutes to have; 'the right person to walk through the pedestrian crossing"…
This is the moment that triggered the realization that I’m in the right place at the right time.
A lot has been happening in the city and in the country since the pandemic started.
I have been debating whether to stay or go…
The city is expensive, especially for an artist like me. It has become more dangerous and there is a sense of desolation. Many people are leaving and looking for a better, safer life.
I don't blame them! It’s not easy to keep your dreams alive in a city that is dormant and struggling. Some are saying that it is dying…
But who are the people saying it? Are these really New Yorkers, or just big investors? Do these people understand and live the heart of what is New York City?
Do they belong? Or are they just made for the comfort of their luxury surroundings and bubble parties? Are they here to exploit real state or wear the badge of being in one of the most alive, exciting, and cultural cities of the world? They want all that, and, at the same time to isolate themselves from the people, the streets and the culture that really make New York, New York.
New York City belongs to the creatives, the misfits, the raw and tender. It belongs to the intellectuals and the workers. It belongs to those who embrace diversity and culture.
Excitement, community, adventure! These are not for the faint of heart!
New York City is and will always be alive. Just wait and see, like nature itself, it will renew and flourish once again!
Because, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going”, and that is New York City!
Yes… I’m here to stay.