Jack Dillon
Golf Industry Expert, Consultant, Speaker. Creating Successful Change for People. Host of the Golf Biz Zoom. Author (3rd Book--Journey--coming soon), and Lead Blogger at Golfincmagazine.com. Urgency Matters.
Hi! A very Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads! Enjoy your day, cherish your children and know they will become what their insides tell them to become.....but with a lot of leadership & support from Mom & Dad. The title of this post is telling. It is probably something we have said to ourselves maybe thousands of times throughout our lives (depending on our age). Where does this thinking come from? How can we vanquish it from our minds forever?
I have said this to myself so many times, it is a standard part of my vocabulary. Yet, I have had an amazing career and life so far. As a Boomer, I am older than most of you, and yet excited, mentally vibrant, looking forward to working and thriving for years to come. The good news is that these words do not hold the sway over me they once did. Why? I don't care if I fall down. More important, I don't care who sees me fall down and scrape my knee! I know that I will be bad in any new venture first, before I can even approach good. It doesn't matter. I will do what I want, as well as I can, measure the results, and try again.
What holds you back? Are you worried what "friends" think? Let's be honest, strangers do not care about you and me, so what are we concerned about? There are 7.5 billion people on this planet. Their care and concern every day is focused on that person in the mirror. They don't give a hoot or holler about me.....or you for that matter. You are good enough! You can try many things. You will succeed quicker in some than in others, but if you have the passion, desire, and grit, keep going. Never allow someone else's opinion of you to be you. Go for it! Life is short, too short to worry about strangers attitudes towards you. Try, fail, and try again. As a Boomer of 66, I imagine myself as that 9 year old, with my brand new bike. I keep falling off, scraping and bleeding from elbow to knee, but I keep getting back on the bike! Why? Because my friends are riding far and wide.......and riding that bike well, has a lot more meaning than the dings and scrapes. Do what you want in this life, and never, ever care what we think. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. You ARE good enough.