“I’m going to try it on my own first.” We hear this fateful phrase from prospects quite often. These prospects are usually a little bit younger (and less experienced) executives. They are hesitant to invest in their careers and want to try their luck. Some of these succeed, of course.
But, none of them have our experience in helping executives find jobs.
How could they? We’ve been helping clients through career changes for thirty years. We’ve been through all sorts of financial cycles and industry shifts—and now through a pandemic and economic crisis.
Erin is one executive client who recently landed her next career. She had this to say about investing in her career: “If you want to substantially change your career, this is one of the best investments you will ever make in your life.” For Erin, it certainly paid off despite job hunting during the Covid downturn. Erin landed her “ideal” position as a senior manager in a challenging new field. She is also in her first-choice city and at a higher salary. [Read More]
Since April when Covid-19 became more obviously serious, we have now helped 98 clients land executive jobs—usually above their compensation expectations. The recent landings have skewed the industry picture a little bit. Manufacturing enters the top ten sectors that now comprise 75% of total landings (see graphic). But otherwise, the top tiers have remained quite consistent with health care, consulting, and tech retaining the top three slots.
At the Barrett Group (TBG), we help clients really understand their best path. We guide them through our targeting step (the Clarity Program?) which often entails rethinking their career trajectory to be happier, better compensated, and/or to enjoy more quality of life. Here is what Lingadahalli, another recently landed TBG client has to say, “[The] Clarity Program? is well orchestrated and highly meaningful to achieving success in both personal and professional life.” [Read More]
Then we help clients "package" themselves to present their personal brand appropriately and attractively to the market.
Here is how Erik, another recently landed TBG client put it: “I needed to do something different to make myself marketable in an unmarketable market. For me, The Barrett Group made all the difference.” [Read more]
Bob Meara, another recently landed client, had not looked for a job in some years. Here’s what he has to say about his TBG experience: “Everything is different. People don’t read resumes, computers read them. And computers weed out resumes by key buzz words,” said Bob. “You’re competing with many more people.”
Bob continues, “George [Bob’s Career Consultant] took the time to understand my current business and circumstances. He made the effort to learn what motives me – what makes me tick,” said Bob. “He told me all about the unpublished market. I never thought about that stuff before. It was very instrumental.” [Read More]
This is pretty typical of what clients learn: most executive jobs today are invisible and you can only find them through trial and error--unless you hire a pro like the Barrett Group who has helped clients crack the unpublished market literally thousands of times.
Take Heather, another recently landed executive client: “It was thanks to the coaching I got that made this job opportunity come to fruition,” said Heather. “Before I hired The Barrett Group I would have seen the job ad, applied, not gotten it, and moved on instead of first reaching out to my network, asking them to talk to their connections, and have them put me in touch with the right people. That’s what The Barrett Group did for me.” [Read More]
Finding the opportunity is the first step, but succeeding in the interviews, that takes patience and practice. Here’s what another recently landed executive client, Vinod, had to say: “Vivek [Vinod’s Career Consultant] gave me great perspective on my mock interview responses and how to strengthen them.” [Read More]
And when the offer comes in, TBG continues to add value.
For thirty years we have been collecting compensation tactics and strategies for explaining how reasonable it would be to increase the offer. We teach clients how and when to use these and support them during their negotiations. We can generally add five figures to an offer, and sometimes six. Here is what Chris Burger, another recently landed TBG client recalled about the negotiation process: “The initial offer was a little below what I was expecting, so I told them I’d think about it. Then I called my consultant to discuss. In the end, the company raised the offer to a number I was glad to accept.” [Read More]
So, if you would really rather stumble around in the market and look for a job via trial and error, go for it. Try it on your own. On the other hand, if you want to save time, earn more money, and be more satisfied with your work/life balance, then do what all of these successful people did before you: hire the Barrett Group. We make it our job to help you find yours.
Peter Irish, CEO