I'm going to Athens to attend the IFES World Summit, because....
IFES - Sharing Knowledge
IFES - International Federation of Exhibition & Event Services
"The reason to attend a summit goes from meeting friends in a wonderful place, catching up with a host or hosting country who is doing his or her best to show you the highlights of a city or country. You go because on any time of the day you mix business with pleasure" - Han Leenhouts, Sales & Pepper, Netherlands
For further information please visist the website or contact Dany Kupczik, Projectmanager IFES at Dany [at]ifesnet.com
#IFES #IFESWS #IFESWORLDSUMMIT #IFESWS19 #IFES_WorldSummit #IFESproud #IFESfamily #IFESnetwork #IFEScommunity #IFES_sharingknowledge #seeyouinathens #meetyyouinathens
See you there