I'm Fighting For Cancer Research UK - Ultra MMA
Hi Everyone!
As some of you may be aware, Im taking the fight against cancer to an MMA event, held at The York Barbican on Saturday 11th May. I'd really appreciate a moment of your time to read the following article...
The official date of the fight is Saturday 11th May at The Barbican and tickets are still available if you would like to come watch the fights.
Ultra Events run regular events throughout the year such as the Ultra White Collar Boxing event, all of their events raise money for Cancer Research UK.
I would love it if you could help me raise some money for these charities, the highest donation will be picking my fight name on the evening, so please donate generously if you can :)
For those who may not want to sponsor, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this post amongst your friends and colleagues.
Because I want to raise as much money as possible, for every penny raised for the fight I will be matching 10% of the final amount of donations (out of my own pocket) and donating that percentage to a mental health charity of my choosing.
For more information about the event please visit: https://www.ultra-mma.co.uk/events/york/
Ticket Information: 18+ Only
Tickets can be purchased at: https://www.ultratickets.co.uk/events/ultra-mma-york-11-05-2019/
Tickets are non-refundable
· 4:30pm - Doors open for VIP guests
· 5pm – Doors open for standard ticket holders
· Dress Code: Minimum Shirt, Tie, Trousers and Shoes for the Men. Evening dresses for ladies, or suitable smart trousers and a blouse. No Jeans, Trainers, Chinos, Leggings, Checked Shirts or Scruffs.
Please Dress to impress.
(You will be turned away if you do not meet the dress code)
Donation Information:
TOP DONATOR: Picks my fight name for the night. (Please be kind J)
Donations can be made in two different ways:
1. You will see donation buckets across the office space over the coming weeks, feel free to donate any loose change you may have.
2. Alternatively you can donate to me via my Just Giving page: www.bit.ly/JaeBMMA