I'm real tough, not "fake-tough"
I'm a tough person, but not in the traditional sense.
Yeah, I have those "tough-guy" poses and looks in those various leather-jacket pics that I've posted here on FB and my website. But that's just acting-tough.
As a human being, in reality, I'm really tough. I've been through a lot. Like the rest of us, I've had my share of challenges. And yes, when push comes to shove, I make it through...because I'm not tough in the fake, traditional way...but because I really am tough in the real way that matters.
I'm sensitive, and my sensitivity makes me legitimately tough. I've got a good heart, and I try to do good every chance I get, even in the face of challenge. I make it my life's work to do good. I'm a loyal friend, and I try to be there for those in need whenever I can. I can't always come through. But I try.
And certainly, when it comes to my actual work as a writer, producer, and executive, I dedicate every waking moment to creating, documenting, marketing, promoting, presenting and hailing the positive influence and potential for positive influence of classic television shows in particular and some of the newer stuff, too.
And that's tough work in today's environment, more than any other time in the history of entertainment. But that's okay. Because I can handle it...because I'm tough...in the real way...that matters.