I'm embarrassed to admit this.......
Angie Ross
Money Coach - ??Turn your cashflow chaos into calm ??Financial Literacy Speaker ??Corporate Financial Wellness Programs ??Unbiased, no B.S financial mentorship (I don't sell products) ??Certified Cashflow Specialist
I'm embarrassed to admit this............but I've listened to some terrible money advice in the past.
And a lot of it came from biased sources.................(as in, they were trying to sell me something....not in my best interest).
So I thought I'd save you the pain and suffering of going through the same things I have.
Yes, I took one for the team. You are welcome!
Here are 4 pieces of money advice that I have thrown in the trash and NEVER looked back on. Thankfully.
Tracking every dollar I spent did nothing but make me feel restricted and defiant.
I relate it to a money diet, it may work short term, but in the long run it is too tedious and annoying to be effective.
The reality is, you DO need a money system, but one that is effective and doable long term.
(P.S. Due to popular demand, I am running another FREE Anti-budget workshop on Nov 5th at 7ET on zoom. Register here)
2. Trust the banks.
I grew up inherently trusting the banks. They are our friends, right?
They are a business (and a damn profitable one at that).
Yes, we need them, but we also need to be our own advocates so that we don't get "tricked" into buying products and services we don't need, and that aren't in our best interest (hello line of credit and credit card balance insurance).
3. Have ONE savings account.
I was instructed (at the bank) that one savings account was plenty.
Reality check: If you don't "earmark" your savings for specific purposes, you will inevitably spend the large savings account on vacation, and when your car breaks down you will be SCREWED!!!!!!!
BTW, I love using Wealthsimple for my life jacket accounts (more on this in my Anti-budget workshop), as they allow you to open up to 8 cash accounts, that can be named properly (aka: Christmas savings, vacations, car/house repairs, emergency) and earn high interest..................all for NO FEE!
4. HUSTLE for more income!!!!!!
Having money trouble...................just make more!
Well, I've made plenty of income in my life, and income does not solve all cash flow problems.
And don't get me wrong, I LOVE making money, and think you should too.
But the reality is that if you don't have a system for handling your money, it doesn't matter how much you are making...........you certainly AREN'T maximizing it!
I'd love to hear from you...............what is some money advice that you received that should have been kicked to the curb?
Yours in financial health,
P.S. If you like to get your money advice from an unbiased source, as a money coach, I do not sell any financial products, which means the advice I provide is in the best interest of your wallet, not mine. Feel free to book a complimentary chat if you'd like to pick my brain about all things money!
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