"I'm Such a Cynic"
I just wrote those words to a colleague. We were emailing back and forth about why garden centers are selling out of lemongrass. Lemongrass?
The Asian herb is having a moment. But why, we wondered. Poking around the Interwebs, chatting with a handful of retailers and asking a few gardenfluencers, we hear it may be because folks are being told it's a:
Some clickbait articles are driving demand.
"I'm such a cynic." I may have also used the word sheep in there somewhere, too.
But why should I care who buys what? If they are buying bouquets because Miley Cyrus can buy herself flowers, great! If lavender sees an uptick because Taylor Swift is in its haze, more power to the lavender growers! If people want to buy snake oil to oil their snakes, have at it!
Wait. That one wasn't quite right ...
Speaking of Taylor, this week's Food and Flower newsletter includes three items that are inspired by the world's most qualified pop star:
You can read all about these three at Food and Flower. And don't read it just becuase everyone is doing it. Read it because you're curious and independently minded and you love to learn about new things.
Have a great holiday weekend!