Im in a commitment phase lately....
I know this is long but it so worth the read! I say this time and time again-COMMITMENT & CONSISTENCY is KEY!!! ?
R+F does NOT claim to erase your wrinkles or years of sun damage OVERNIGHT.??
But I promise, use these products to wash your face and you WILL see improvement!! Read what Ginger said about her 3 month and 6 month marks!
Ginger became a Rodan + Fields customer and has been using the Redefine and Reverse regimens with the Amp Md Roller and eye cream since the end of January 2015. The first 3 months of use, she did not notice any visible changes, but said that her “face felt so good that I wasn’t going to stop.”
After 6 months She started noticing changes... “I began to see my pores getting smaller, my eye brows being lifted so my eye lids weren’t droopy, and my fine lines and some wrinkles were disappearing.”
By September her friends were noticing the difference in her skin, and she decided to became a Consultant. She then added the Macro Exfoliator once a week, the microdermabrasion paste a couple times a week, and the eye cloths to her skin care routine. She also started trying out the soothe regimen that came in her start up kit which she loves and says it helps even out any redness she may have. By November Ginger could really tell a major difference in her overall complexion!
“Through my 67 years, I was outdoors a lot, I love the outdoors and love the pool. My wrinkles didn’t come overnight so there was no way to expect them to disappear in a couple of months. I’m just happy that there has been a noticeable difference. A difference that I didn’t see with any other skin care products that I have used. So that’s my story.”
Ginger states that she believes that consistency is key in getting desired results. Using all products and tools exactly as directed every day was what made her routine so effective. She stuck with her routine and it has most definitely paid off!!!
“I was amazed when I looked at my before and after photos side by side! We don’t see the change in our self so the before & after is a great way to look back on what we were to what we’ve become.”