I’m channeling my inner Brene Brown and leaning into my vulnerability
Julie Cullen
Helping women who want more from their careers. More Confidence, More Happiness, More Success. If you want more, please get in touch and let's chat. ??
Did I tell you I joined a writing club a few months ago?
Up till now it’s been interesting and fun - but this week has felt daunting.
We were given a topic and asked to write in any format we choose – much to my surprise I decided to write a poem.
I’m not really a poem writer – closest I ever came was writing little limericks for people’s birthdays!
I wrote my poem and am agonising over whether I want to share it or not.
The self-doubt demon in my mind has kicked in:
All those doubts and fears rattling around in my head.
BUT – I also want to share it for the feedback. To hear what people might say in the hope it will be positive.
So I’ve been self-coaching, reminding myself that I’m on a journey and learning is part of that journey.
I’m channeling my inner Brene Brown and leaning into my vulnerability.
It’s hard, there are some amazing writers in our group and the braver we all get, the more we all share – and so “compare-ititis” sets in!!
Do you do that?
Hold back for fear of what other people might think?
Don’t worry – it’s very common. We all want to be liked and respected. We all want to make a good impression.
Confidence doesn’t come to those who wait – it comes from putting yourself out there.
Accepting that the first time won’t be your best time. Understanding that confidence is something you grow into – not something you wait to appear.
Pick something that you hold yourself back from doing and decide today… “What is one small step forward you can take to begin your journey to grow in confidence?”
Mine – I’m going to share my poem at next week’s writing group ??. Wish me luck.
PS - If you need help to grow in confidence I have a couple of options available:
1 - Personal 1-1 Coaching: Whether your preference is remote, online support or regular, scheduled meetings - I've got you covered. I have a mix of coaching options available to work with your learning style and diary demands! https://www.juliecullen.co.uk/a-career-you-love
2 - Group Coaching: Annually I run a group coaching program - A Transformational Coaching Experience with customized support from me while working as part of a community with others who are facing similar challenges to you. This program is Women Only, if you want to be on the wait list register here: https://www.juliecullen.co.uk/create-a-more-confident-you
3 - Online Course: Speak with Confidence - packed full of videos and coaching workbooks to guide you through the process to speak more confidently: https://www.juliecullen.co.uk/speak-with-confidence