I'm begging you, please don't make this mistake...

I'm begging you, please don't make this mistake...

Now, could this be you saying...

" My assets are protected from a lawsuit because I have them in my revocable living trust."

No they are not. Unfortunately our experts hear this all the time. Your living revocable trust provides ZERO asset protection!

Your living trust is great for many reasons including the avoidance of probate (an expensive and public dealing with the courts on how to settle your estate). But this same trust is not an asset protection tool.

We just presented an eye-opening workshop on asset protection to a packed room of investment property owners. Tons of great content and the Q&A could have gone on for two days.

So we thought it would be a really good idea to put out a brand new short video on legal & tax structures for investment property. Click below to watch the video and I always encourage you to subscribe to our channel so we can ping you when a hot new video is published.


