“I’m not able to do my therapy online.”

“I’m not able to do my therapy online.”

That's something I have heard many Therapists say.

Everyone is concerned about whether it will work online. For the therapies we have data on, it says that it seems to work just about a well on live video as in person. Here’s what comes up around that:

When we’re unfamiliar with something, we all worry. I was dead set against online therapy a few years ago as I assumed it could not be as good as in person. As part of a degree, I had to do some, and I was sold on it in a couple of sessions. It amazed me how good it was as a medium to help.

Nearly all my clients have admitted at the end of our 1st online session: “I didn’t know if it would suit at all at the start, but it was really good”.

As someone who is trained to read emotion in the body, I was surprised to see that on a screen I could still pick up the ‘vibe’ and ‘energy’ of the client and could see micro muscle changes in the jaw, neck, torso etc. In terms of getting a sense of their emotion and state during a session, it was fine.

Now, some therapies are not so good online, Massage would be an obvious one, but even there I’ve met massage therapists who can instruct people on self-massage, stretching, and other physical interventions that help.

Bottom line: We can be brave and try it or we can be fearful and leave people without help during this extra stressful time.

For psychotherapies the data massively supports using online video chat as a solid option to help.

Join me today on a Free live Webinar at 7pm IST/BST 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific where we cover everything to do with delivering therapy online.

Use this link to register your free place on the training: https://bit.ly/2WfFSOS

I'm really looking forward to today's online training.

Let's make the most of this and get your help to even more people.

Chat soon,



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