Rangers, this update is packed with exciting changes across many systems and brings us closer to the mainnet release. While the story is still being kept under wraps for now, it will be introduced later. We hope you enjoy this update!
Forge UI Overhaul
- Instant Crafting and Navigation: Players can now hover over materials in a recipe to instantly craft them or navigate to the material's recipe.
- Clean and Intuitive Design: The entire interface has been reworked to be cleaner and more user-friendly, making it easier for players to understand and navigate.
- Processing Tab: A new processing tab has been added to display the status of items during forging.
Onboarding & Menu Changes
In preparation for the launch, you’ll find some updates that tie into the upcoming full tutorial experience.
- Main Menu: We started the redesign of the main menu layout, clearly separating the Arena and Overworld. New navigation buttons streamline access to various in-game and external locations.
- New Customisation: An update to Character Customization adds more options. Note that this is still a work-in-progress with more updates coming.
- Drone Selection: Upon completing the tutorial, players will now select their drone along with character customization. Currently, players cannot change their drone once selected.
Weapon and Suit Rework
We are excited to introduce new Weapons and Suits designed to enhance gameplay and cater to various playstyles. This update aims to provide players with more strategic options and a refreshed combat experience. The weapon affinity and class system is now more in line with the Illuvials' affinity and class mechanics.
- 25 T0 Weapon Lines: Based on the old weapons, each comes with one Primary Affinity and one Primary Class.
- 15 New Weapon Lines: Ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 5, these new weapons change with each stage:
- Weapon & Suit Reset: All previously crafted Suits and Weapons will be removed from inventories and will not be available after the update.
- Suits Rework: Suits have been renamed and their effects and stats reworked to better align with different playstyles.
- Mastery Point Cost Adjustment: The Mastery Point cost has been adjusted to reflect the power level changes of the new Weapons and Suits.
- In-Progress Assets: New Weapons and Suits are still under development. Images are provided to help differentiate between the new weapons, while in-game models will reuse some old weapons as placeholders. The new assets, including their attack and omega animations, are in progress.
- Bonding Removal: The bonding mechanic has been removed with the new weapon system.
Various Changes
- Flint-Cap Consumable Bug Fix: Resolved an issue where the Flint-Cap Consumable provided more XP than intended.
- Mastery Points Adjustment: Increased the target for Mastery Points required for Encounters.
- Encounter Mods Nerf: Reduced the effectiveness of Encounter Mods.
- Consumable Adjustments: Various adjustments were made to consumables to balance gameplay.
- Encounter Cost Increase: The cost of encounters has increased from 300 to 675.
- Team Slots Increase: Default team slots increased to 8 Illuvials, 4 Weapons, and 4 Suits.
- Drone Attachments Removed: Slots, Detection Range, and Scan Cost attachments for drones have been removed.
- Gemstones in Illuvial Fusion: Gemstones added to the Illuvial Fusion process. Composites formed from 2 similar affinities will only require one Gemstone for the moment.
- Mega Deposits Extraction Time: Reduced the extraction time for Mega Deposits.
- Holo & Dark Holo: All missing images have been updated with placeholders. These will be updated over time with their final versions as they become available. The bug for the Illuvials' Fur not showing the Holo and Dark Holo effect has been fixed.
- XP & Leveling: Introducing a UI showing XP gained after Overworld encounters or Arena matches, helping players track progress.
- Survival Update: Survival mode now supports the recent Ascension mechanic introduced in Ascendant a few months back.
- Free Card Rotation: The free card rotation feature allows you to complete your teams with the Illuvials, Weapons, and Suits on free rotation, in addition to the Free Teams.
- Recipe Requirement Changes: Updated most recipe requirements to better align with the changes in the new economy.
- Shard Dust Rework: Reworked the amount of Shard Dust received from deconstructing Shards.
- Holo Illuvial Chance Decrease: The chance of finding Holo and Dark Holo Illuvials decreased.
- Mega Deposit Loot Improvement: Improved loot from Mega Deposits while decreasing the number of Mega Deposit spawns.
- Deposit Gemstone: Fixed an issue causing deposits to predominantly contain Nature and Water gemstones, regardless of the region played.
- Travel Cost: Increased Travel Cost for Stages 2 and 3.
- Cosmetic Integration: We started the final Cosmetic Integrations seen in UIs. While emotes are unavailable now, players can select the Battle Board but only have the default one. The Battle Board selection phase is included in Ascendant, but with most players using the default Battle Boards, you’ll always play on the Default Ascendant Board.
- And many bug fixes…
Substantial updates to the Missions system include a reworked user interface in-game and new mission types.
- Missions User Interface Rework: The Missions UI has been reworked for a cleaner and more user-friendly experience.
- Missions Tab: Players can now view all their Overworld missions in the new Missions Tab within the Player Inventory or using the Missions shortcut, “J”.
- Mission Pinning: Players can pin missions to their HUD for easier tracking during gameplay.
- Milestones and Event Missions: Added new Milestones and Event Missions to provide additional goals and challenges for players.
- Arena Missions: Introduced Arena Missions, offering new challenges and rewards in the arena.
- Web Dashboard: Introducing the web missions dashboard to track missions across all games and your airdrop points. Note: The missions leaderboard will come at a later date.
- Mission Generation: Every day from 00:00 to 00:05 UTC, new daily and weekly missions are generated.
- Initial Missions: Missions could take up to 1 hour to show up the first time after the update and for new accounts.
- Pre-season 2: It starts with this update and the missions system. Complete Daily, Weekly, and Milestone missions to accrue Airdrop Points. Event missions, which are time-limited objectives, will be spread across this pre-season. Check back daily.
- Pre-season 1: The web dashboard history tab is temporarily disabled as we process the data and finalise checks. Once complete, in a few days, you’ll see all points accumulated in Pre-Season 1 and your ILV rewards in the history tab.
Fixes and Known Issues
- Survival Missions Count: Survival missions count should now match the count in the leaderboard.
- Default Weapon Fix: Default weapon issues have been resolved.
- Bug Reporter Update: The bug reporting system has been updated.
- Holo & Dark Holo Finish: Holo and Dark Holo finishes are complete.
- Most Valuable Illuvials: Most valuable Illuvials are now showing in the world.
- Holo Finish Missions: Holo finish missions are complete.
- Point Multiplier: The point multiplier system has been implemented.
- Forging Issues: Some players are experiencing insufficient material for crafting during forging.
Web Dashboard Issues: Multiplier rewards missions are not shown properly on the web dashboard. We are thrilled to bring you these updates and improvements, and we look forward to your feedback as we approach the mainnet release. Enjoy the new features and changes!