Illustrations for Books and Websites!
Simon Ellinas Cartoonist and Caricaturist
Cartoonist and Illustrator drawing cartoons and caricatures for newspapers, magazines, books and websites
WORDS ARE USEFUL. They convey stories, ideas and information, including highly obvious stuff like this. But sometimes, you need an awful lot of them to make it really work. And then, you can find yourself at the behest of professional writers to do the job for you. When was the last time you had an idea you wanted to put across a little more succinctly?
Clichés are great! They're only clichés because people love them so much that they have been overused. And that's a cliché in itself. But the one that springs to mind now, thinking about illustrations for books, magazines and websites is that "A picture paints a thousand words". A thousand words, handily, is often the length of an average article, although they're getting shorter and shorter in these digital, fast-paced, short attention span times.
People are often identified with the usual, crisp photographic headshot taken for the company website. Whilst this is totally acceptable, a few imaginative clients are going back to the old newspaper-style caricature portrait illustration to adda touch of originality to the page. They can also bring out the person's character more vividly than a plain old photo.
For more information about cartoons and illustrations, please feel free to contact me - [email protected]