Illuminating the power of purpose for a quarter-century

Illuminating the power of purpose for a quarter-century

A quarter-century ago, we embarked on a journey, driven by a core belief: that a strong purpose is the ultimate north star for successful businesses.??

Since then, we’ve guided companies all over the world on their purpose journeys, observing firsthand how a clear purpose translates into increased market understanding, successful transformations, and superior customer value propositions.?

?We've seen how purpose acts as a compass in changing market conditions, allowing clear prioritization and fostering a sense of direction rather than aimless reaction. This clarity empowers companies to transform effectively, guiding them towards their intended role in the market and society.?

?We’ve followed how share prices have accelerated, driven by strengthened investor confidence after companies have used purpose to clarify their vision and point out a role in the future market.??

?We’ve observed how purpose acts as a catalyst for precise innovation, enabling the creation of offerings that resonate deeply with customers and command premium value. It fosters brand authenticity, allowing customers to connect with the values that underpin the entire brand experience.?

?But perhaps most importantly, we’ve seen how purpose brings meaning to the workplace, attracting and engaging a passionate workforce. This translates to a competitive edge, helping purpose-driven businesses outperform their peers.?

?In this year’s Purpose Index? report, we delve deeper into what we've learned over the years together with our most recent data from our purpose research. We explore how purpose fosters confidence to act, unlocks transformative abilities, inspires precise innovation, and fuels engagement in organizations.?

Join us as we uncover the power of purpose and its potential to guide your business towards a brighter, more impactful future.?

Start the journey by downloading this year's report

Christian Ihre & Johan Ekelin

Stort grattis Christian och Johan! Ni ?r grymma!

Imponerande. ??????????

Kristina Tj?der

Founder House of Dagmar and Hyfer Objects, former Ekbacken Studios

8 个月

Wow! Bravo ???? ????

Urban Pettersson Bargo

CEO @ WeMind Psykiatri | 125k+ Patients Treated

8 个月

Det ?r s? otroligt vackert att - ni h?llit ihop i 25 ?r - ni tidigt hittade ert purpose som ni h?llit fast vid - det ni trott p? blivit allt mer relevant ?ver tid - ni byggt en s? fin kultur St?rt bra jobbat ni tv?????!Christian & Johan


